Bare Feet

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We rolled up to the house in the new family station wagon. I was the only one in the family who hadn't been keen on the idea of moving, and now that we were here I grumbled with disappointment. I have a feeling that when you see your new house for the first time your supposed to be excited. What I was feeling at that moment was purely opposite. The house loomed over us with its three stories and rows of dark windows causing me to shudder. The paint that had originally been white was peeling and the line of Doric columns held up the two wrap around porches on the first two floors.

I slowly exited the car, my little brother was running around on the bottom porch holding his toy plane out in front of him and making odd sounds. My mom smiled at me and ushered me over to help with the suitcases, I glared at her nut walked over anyways. Grabbing two of my own suitcases I walked up the front steps which creaked unstintingly and opened the front door. Inside the entryway was a hallway with a dusty green Persian rug that continued down and then headed up the stairway. As I walked down I watched my reflection pass by in a vintage mirror that was brittle and cracked with age. The living room which was to the right of the entryway hallway was filled with Victorian furniture covered by white sheets. At any moment I was expecting them to get up and fly across the rooms like ghosts.

After exploring the house I learned that the people who last lived here must have left in a hurry because not only was their furniture still here but many of their belongings as well. The room I had chosen was on the second floor and had light blue roses scattering the wall paper. There was not only a queen sized bed but it connected to the front balcony with large french doors and had a full bathroom and closet that was more updated than the rest of the house.

That night I sat down with the family at dinner, we had put away most of the boxes contents and now were eating at the large 12 seater dining table. My mom and dad spoke and my little brother blabbed on about random things. But as I sat there I couldn't get away from the feeling that something was watching me. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and I kept shifting in my seat. My mom stopped talking and looked at me with concern,

"Honey are you alright?" I stopped looking around and nodded. She smiled and then went on talking. I tried to pay attention to the conversation but my mind was immediately torn away from it when I heard and soft scratching coming from behind me. It was so faint I almost didn't hear it.

"Did you hear that?" I said, interrupting the family's conversation. They paused and listening and then shook their head,

"Probably rats, there's tons of them in old houses like this." My dad said. I didn't respond but instead tried to focus on my food and not on the feeling of eyes watching me.

    That night I lay in my bed reading a book that I had taken out of an unpacked box. The room was much easier to stay in then the rest of the house but I kept getting wafts of a putrid smell coming down from the crawl space above me. I waved the book in front of my face and waited a minute. After the smell was gone I read for a little while longer and then turned my light off and snuck back underneath my covers. Later that night I woke up startled because of a sound I swore I had heard coming from above and next to me. I lay still and then the smell hit me again, it smelled of sewage and rotten eggs. I leaned up in bed and plugged my nose, getting up, I walked over to the windows and opened them, trying to clear the smell out. As I stood there staring up at the stars I jumped and stubbed my toe when I heard a sound in the next room over. As I nursed my stubbed toe I hobbled into the hallway. I had heard that sound many times, it was the sound of my little brother running. The sound of small bare feet hitting wooden floor boards after turning off the lights and running so the monster wouldn't get you. I walked down the hallway, looked up and smiled when I saw his small shape standing at the end of the hallway. He giggled and ran to his bedroom. Walking after him I got to his door, opening it and said,

"James why are you up so late, shouldn't you be-" I paused when I looked down and saw him fast asleep in bed, his chest rising up and down peacefully. I stood there, my mouth slightly agape, walking over to his bed I shook him lightly,

"James this isn't funny, stop playing." He groaned and rubbed his eyes, shooing me away with his hand.

"What are you talking about." He said rolling over and facing away from me.

"Stop playing, I saw you, you used the bathroom at the end of the hall and then ran back to your room. You saw me and laughed." He mumbled groaned again and said,

"I don't know what your talking about, I've been asleep the whole time. Now leave me alone, I'm tired." I stood there, the smile wiped off my face completely. I slowly stood and walked back down the dark hallway to my room. I opened the door and got back in bed, confusion still running through my head  and trampling over my thoughts.

'If that wasn't James, then who was it?' And that night it took me a long time to fall asleep.

    The next morning I sat up, having tossed and turned all night I felt tired and I had a strong headache that was threatening to crack open my brain. I found my way downstairs and made oatmeal over the stove, my long blonde hair was tangled and i had large purple bags under my eyes. I read a note on the counter from my parents saying they were out furniture shopping. The rest of the day I spent walking around the house, still confused over what had happened the night before. Soon the day went by and it was dinner time again. We ate dinner at the large dining table and then all went our separate ways to go to bed.

    That night I woke again to the same smell, it almost seemed worse but I was nervous to get up and open the window so I sat plugging my nose and hoping it would disappear. As sleep almost had me in its grasp, a loud series of bangs erupted from the wall behind my head. I sat up fast and walked my head on my headboard, but the adrenaline surging through me made me not even notice. I looked behind me frantically and then heard more knocks going along side the walls up into the ceiling. Everything was still but then the smallest sounds came from the wall next to me, I slowly got up, my heart beating fast, a large lump stuck in my throat. I put my ear up against the wall and heard what it was: whispering. It was the sound of a small child whispering, then it stopped, several seconds passed, then a minute. I kept my ear pressed up against it and one last knock made me shriek. I walked backwards and felt a rush of air and heard the sound of bare feet running from behind me. I yelled in surprise and watched as my door slowly creaked open. Then from the darkness outside my door stood a child but the feeling of great terror swept over me so much that I stepped back. Whatever was outside my door was not a child, but something far worse. And as it stood in front of me I saw what it really was, it-.....

I know right!Whatttttt? I haven't been on here in forever but finally felt some inspiration.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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