The colors of red

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The truth is colors don't matter on objects, they matter on life. I learned this in the night of blood. You might ask what this is? People think blood means fluid that drains from the earths sons and daughters. Well that's not the truth I know more then most. Blood is life. It's everywhere, I've died more then once and trust me death is a lot more complicated then most people think. Oh ya I was about to tell you about the night of blood, right? Let's start from the beginning. Start on the sun and fly down to earth take a right and head down toward the forest, fall down to the carpet of leaves and wait till October 31, if you wait long enough you'll come across a group of men and women dressed in cloaks of velvet. Quietly follow them and you'll come across a stone structure, decayed red stuff will be caked to the stone and you might think of death, well the cloaked people think of it as an offering to the God of death he has many names such as (the killer, Satan, Ruler of the underworld, Haites, the Ruler of hell, and as humans call him The Devil.) So pretty much the cloaked people are devil worshipers. Don't be frightened I'm not, every year people get offered to the God of death and every year they throw the bodies away and let the blood dry in the hot rays of sun. How stupid of me I haven't even introduced myself yet, well like I said I have many names (the killer, Satan, Ruler of the underworld, Haites, the Ruler of hell and as you might call me The Devil.)

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