Drowning in revenge

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She was a nasty little girl, always asking her father for new stuff that she had to have. The look in her eye was snotty and judgemental, always wanting more then her father could afford. He called her princess and her room was made to look like a modern millionares home, she had new apple technology every time something came out and would throw a tantrum if her father mentioned their lack of money, if this happened the girl would scream that "mom would have gotten her anything she wanted". Of course the little brat had a reason to be that way, her mom died when she was 6 years old and maybe she was better then, but I would be surprised if she was. She was 14 now and had long brunette hair that she straightened each morning so it went down to her skinny little waist, she looked fake from the outside and was on the inside. Her father bought her loads of makeup to pile onto her house, she thought she looked pretty but to me she looked like a clown that had a bad makeup artist, maybe her dad felt bad that her face was so hideous without makeup on and that's why he bought all of it for her.

At this point in time I forever regret marrying her father and having to put up with the little brat 24/7. When I met him he was a nice man, worked in a good buisness but still didn't bring in enough money to keep his little brat "happy" all the time. I kept quiet when she started throwing a tantrum, I would sit in her father and I's room up stairs and listen to her glass shattering outbursts echo through the house.

"One day" I told myself "I will get rid of that little brat once and for all." I glared down the stairs out through the bedroom door as she finally got her way and stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. He walked towards the banister, leaned on it and took a deep breath, staring at his little jerks door and then slowly climbed the stairs towards our room. He walked in and sat on the bed beside me, I looked at him and put a hand on his cheek, he turned towards me, exhaustion filling his eyes.

"Why do you let her do this to you? You need to take control, your the parent dear, not her." I stated matter of factly. He sighed and got up, not answering as he walked down the stairs, opened the front door and the sound of a engine could be heard back out of the driveway and leaving down the road, probably headed to get his brat whatever she needed. I glanced down the stairs again and got up to go see the brat. I crept down the stairs and leaned against her door and heard the sound of a movie playing, opening up the door her piercing eyes glared at me.

"What do you want?!" She sneered, I played a small fake smile on my lips and walked over to her bed, not sitting down but just staring at her as she reached down and paused Netflix and the movie she was watching on her laptop.

"Are you mute or something? Answer me!"She yelled. I didn't flinch. Instead I did what I had to do.

The little brat was gone for good. She had been reported missing for a month, her father had come back and I had pretended to panick. Running to him and telling him how she and I had gotten into an argument and she fled the house, into the woods. His face drained with color but something in his eye twitched in relief, like the hours she would be gone would save him a good night of sleep.

"If she doesn't come back in a couple hours I'll call the police." He said with a sigh, she had run away before so when I told him that she had it was no surprise. I smiled to myself and a lovely thought prickled the back of my mind, 'Hopefully no one would ever find her'

Ten days had passed and no one had found the brat yet. I hid her well where no one would find her. The police are going for another month and then stopping. Her father has surprised me because of how sad he is, the hope in his eyes are lost but still the flicker of relief glowed in his eyes.

One year has passed and the girl was never found, her father is happier now and we cleared out her room two months after she went missing. The brat was gone, out of our lives and I could now spend all the time with him without her getting in my way. I'm sitting on the couch and the tv is playing a old 50's movie. Then the phone rings, I get up and go answer, pressing the cold plastic to my ear, "Hello?" There's shallow breathing on the other end and I sigh when no one answers, "Hello?" I ask again, I'm about to hang up when the person talks and my blood runs cold.

"Miss me, how's daddy doing?" The cold voice asks from the other end. I can't talk, it feels like my throats has tightened and I can't breath.
"Wh-wh-who is this?" I ask nervously and gulp.

"You know exactly who it is, and I'm coming back, your gonna drown just like I did." My eyes widen and the line goes dead. How did she call, she dead, she has been since I killed her last year. There's a loud bang on the front door and I jump out of my skin, the color draining from my face. I run towards the door, locking the dead bolt and and heading towards the back door. My breath hitches and sweat drips down my head when I see the back door open. I panic and run towards the bathroom, locking the door and grabbing the wrench that was sitting on my sink from earlier when the plumber was here. I walk towards the sink, leaning down and splashing cold water on my face. My head jolts to look at the door as the door knob starts to jiggle. I lean down, rubbing my eyes vigorously. I look up towards the mirror and try to scream, the brat stands behind me, her skin rotting and a wet stench drifting off her in waves. But as the sound try's to leave my throat I feel my mouth flood with water and I spit it onto the floor, choking on it. I try to turn around but my feet slip on the puddle on the floor and my head collides with the sink. The last thing I hear as the blood drains from my head, "You deserve to be drowned."

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