The realistic decoration

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The realistic decoration:

THE TRUTH: a women seemed to have hung herself a week before Halloween. When people walked by the hanging lady from the tree thinking she's just a realistic scary decoration turns out to be a real suicide.Was this just a coincidence or was this planned to make herself fit in with the spooky decorations hanging nearby?

THE LEGEND:you know what a week before Halloween looks like, Don't you???
Well if you don't then I'll tell you, you walk outside and there's people carving pumpkins, hanging up decorations, and making costumes, everywhere you look there's Halloween spirit. But you look at one tree and you see this scary looking decoration that looks so real it's just hanging from the tree waving in the wind it looks like a lady hanging from a noose, then you just think oh it's just a scary decoration. But what you don't know is that this scary decoration has been up for 3 days now and people start to wonder what some awful stench is that's coming from the "decoration" so they check it out and finally realize this is no decoration, the ambulance comes and picks her up and you realize you've been walking past this "decoration" for almost a week now and finally you think I've been walking past a dead suicide for about a week and I totally thought it was a real decoration.

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