That one house (part 2)

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  In front of me was me, hanging from the ceiling with a rope around my neck, with my intestines hanging out, and blood dripping from my abdomen onto the floor. I was literally petrified and couldn't move an inch from where I was standing. How was it possible that i was staring at myself, hanging from the ceiling? It felt like hours before i finally began to get a hold of myself again.

I turned to the door immediately in a frantic effort to get out, but the door was shut and wouldn't budge. I couldn't even scream. My shouts only came out as a whimper as i banged weakly on the door for help. My hands and legs shook as i turned. My heart fell into my stomach as my eyes fell on the spot with the puddle of blood on the floor. I quickly turned to the door again, turned the knob to try and get out. It finally budged on the next try. I fell on the creaky floor.

I ran down the hallway and bumped into my dad. He tried calming me down, but it was no use. I tried explaining what i saw to him, but he brushed it off as my imagination. I was sweating profusely and clutching my dad's shirt. I knew what i saw, and i didn't think i would forget. Days passed, and i avoided that hallway and especially that door like the plague. The image of myself, completely pale, maimed and mutilated was stuck in my mind. Weeks passed and i got used to the house. I forgot what i saw. Big mistake. It reappeared in my room again, the same way. Only this time, it was alive.

This is so amazing!!! This part was written by the winner of the contest I had from the 1st part of this story. This was written by @Gaepeihxi
Thank you!!!

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