Frozen in fear

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"Melanie hurry up!"
"I'm coming!" I yelled as I caught up with the search party. Today we were on a mission trying to find a man with Alzheimers that had wandered off into the woods and at terrible timing too, because a blizzard had started just an hour ago. Just thinking about it makes you shiver but when your in it searching for a 80 year old man with Alzheimers  its a  whole lot colder. There was about 10 of us in the search party. There was my best friend Martha, my uncle Jim, my neighbor Bob, and 7 others that worked with search patrols counting me. We all had walkie talkies with us and were all in a single file line holding onto a rope so we didn't get lost from each other. It was scary though yelling out this old mans name in the middle of no where, on a mountain, with sheer cliffs that if you fell you could only have hope that the snow would catch you. At that time I was last in the line and Martha was in front of me, and we were just about to go around a corner when I saw something, a flash of color in the white blizzard. I yelled out "Everyone stop, I see something!" Everyone looked at me and looked the way I was pointing, they saw it to, we all safely took our time going around the sharp corner in the mountain and then ran towards the color in the blank white sheets of snow. I was correct it was something it was a jacket, it looked like it had only been there for a day, not worn out, but only a sleeve was sticking up out of the snow so we had to dig it up and figured out it was a men's jacket, a black jacket with a red hood. We all just sort of stared at it for a little while knowing that it was the old mans and knowing he wouldn't make it without his jacket. We grabbed the jacket and kept walking screaming out his name in the drifting blizzard. We crossed another sharp turn, and I made a mistake. One of our big parts of training. Is when you are some place high up, like on a cliff you never look down because you might discover your fear of heights right there and then. Yes I did look down, but I didn't discover any fear I just discovered when your not watching your footing in deep snow next to a cliff you can fall off.

And that's exactly what happened I fell off the cliff and amazingly was caught Ina snow drift about 30 feet down, all I remember was swatting for something to grab on to, and then falling down and down and down, then rumbling off the snow drift and rolling so far, that now I lay in the middle of some magical crystal wonderland that swallows any one who enters. I got up now inhaling the air that stunned my lungs with cold ice crystals. As I tried to stand all the way I fell back down with the viscous pain that was now throbbing in my head. I looked up and was shocked with how far away the cliff looked from where I was. I reached into my pockets in my high tech snow jacket and found the emergency whistle. I put it to my mouth and did the special emergency blows as loud as I could. But the harsh wind covered up most of the sound. Looking around me I needed to try to find anything that I could go to to stay warm, a cave, a area covered by trees. But as I looked around I spotted something. Oh god I thought, as I knew exactly what it was. I got up as slowly as I could, trying to ignore the huge bump on my head from when I had hit my head falling down the cliff. I walked over to what I saw and sighed. The only thing I could see was a old pale hands sticking up from out of the snow. I needed to get ahold of the search team and tell them I found him, I put a hand on my back and just realized I didn't have my backpack, I must have lost it in the fall. That backpack had everything, matches, blankets, food, a emergency kit, water, and what I needed right now, a walkie talkie. I was at this moment terrified on what was going to happen, the only thing I could do was walk back over to the cliff and blow my whistle. So that's exactly what I did I went back over to the cliff after trying to find any of the contents that may have fallen out of my bag when I fell down the cliff. I put the whistle to my mouth and blew as hard as I could, in three short blasts. Then I yelled but had a hard time doing so because the cold had made my throat raw. So I put the whistle to my mouth again and blew, and blew, and blew, and blew. Until I couldn't any more, until I lay down underneath the shadow of the cliff and went to sleep angry that know one found me for the rest of eternity.

Every year since then my body lays at the bottom of the cliff
Blowing my whistle
Wanting to be rescued

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