Necklace of rope

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I walked outside to grab my cousins Labrador Charlie seeing that he was barking at something outside, I look through the house window and see my little cousin smiling at something that looked like it was on the ceiling. I walked inside holding on to Charlie's collar, until he pulled me off my feet and was barking at where my cousin was looking, and she said "shhh Charlie you'll scare her" "who" I asked. "Oh I'll tell you in the morning" she said, so she and I went upstairs to go to bed, that night I thought of the things my cousin had said like "you'll scare her." And then I really wondered who is "her"
The next morning I walked into my cousins room to get her to come watch some TV with me, when I walked into her room she wasn't there I was about to check the bathroom when I heard her laugh from down the stairs. I walked downstairs and saw her sitting on the stairs making funny faces, so I asked her "why are you making those weird faces." "I'm not that lady with her braid around her neck is. I'm just copying her." She said "with her what around her neck." "With her braid around her neck." Then I realized my cousin was making a face like she was gasping for air.

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