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There was once a man who lived in Texas, he decided to go on a trip to England. While he was driving on the dark gray road he saw a hotel that said Cross Roads Inn.
The man decided to pullover and stay there the night to get some rest.

He locked the car doors and walked past some guys leaning on their cars smoking cigarettes. The man walked through the parking lot into the hotel, he made his way to the front desk and asked to rent a room, but the Asian man at the front desk just shook his head and said,

"Sorry we don't let people rent rooms after 8:00pm."
"What?" said the Texas man.
"Oh didn't you hear, all doors have to be locked and shut at 8:00pm or bad things will happen. So sorry, but you can't rent a room." Said the Asian man.
"I will pay you a hundred dollars more." Said the Texas man.
"Alright hears you room number, make sure you don't go out into the halls at night, and never look into room 143, which is right next to you."
The Texas man nodded and walked off. He made his way upstairs through the elevator and went to his room, swiping the key card into the slot and right before he opened the door he looked over curiously at the room next to him, but decided to leave it alone for now. He hopped into his bed, not even thinking about taking a shower. That night he woke up and heard a moaning coming from the room next to him he just covered his ears and went to sleep one hour later there was a scraping sound coming from the hallway. He stayed awake the rest of the night. In the morning he was so curios about the room next door that he had to look so he got out of bed and snuck to the room next door. He grabbed the door handle and pulled it was locked, so he decided to look through the key hole but all he saw was red. So he went downstairs and asked the man at the front desk what happened in the room so the man told him "well a couple decided to rent that room and I guess the man murdered his wife." "What did she look like" said the Texas man. "Oh let's see hair all black, skin all white, and eyes a bloodshot red."

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