The bookstore

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I pushed open the door, the bell on the top of it signaled for the lady at the front desk to glance at me and smile. I smiled back and walked to the office at the back of the bookstore, today I would be sorting out old books and making suggestions for new ones. Nothing was new that's usually what I did everyday. I was just another one of the employees, barely paid and a college student. My name is Summer, I am 20 years old and go to a college just down the street, so it's a pretty easy walk to get here in the morning from my dorm. I picked up the bin of books that I had sorted and put them in the big spot in the wall that sent them down into a bigger box outside that the manager would pick up and go give to a place like an orphanage or some other place that needed them for free. I walked back into the main part o the bookstore and went to the managers office. "Rob?" I called walking into his office. He glanced up from his paper and sighed, "Yes Summer? He said in a very exasperated way. "What should I do next?" I said. He looked around the small office like he was about to make me clean it which I had done before and was not fun. Then he put up his hand and quickly said, "Go organize books on the shelf in the nonfiction section." I sighed and walked out of the office, grabbing a book cart I went over to the nonfiction section which was in the back of the room, and started sorting. I hadn't worked here for long and until now I hadn't realized that there was a big wooden door in the back of the room. Now curious I put the books I had sorted on the cart and walked over to the door. It was very large maybe about 9 feet tall and 4 feet wide, and was a solid brown color. The weird thing was there were big chains on the walls on either side of the door, with about 10 pad locks connected to the chains. 'What's all this about?' I questioned in my mind, raising an eyebrow. Instead of going and asking Rob about it I walked back over to the cart and kept sorting, but I just couldn't keep my eyes off the big door as I put the books in alphabetical order.
About an hour later after I finished doing all the shelves, I went to Robs office, planning on asking him about the door, "Hey Rob, I was wondering about the door in the back of the store, what is it?" He looked a bit exhausted so I sort of felt bad for saying that all to him at once. He looked down at the floor and said, "Oh I was
going to tell you about that eventually but never had the time. It's just a old door that leads down to the basement." He stopped spinning his spiny chair around and stopped to looking out the window. I raised my eyebrow as I pushed a long strand of brown hair that was tickling my face behind my ear. 'Why would he be hiding something for me, and if it's just leading to the basement why is it all chained up?' I thought to myself. I just nodded my head then slowly and retreated out into the bookstore again. Cindy the desk clerk was turning the sign on the door to a closed sign, and then picked up her bag, turned around and said, "It's awfully chilly outside. Have a good night." Then she quickly strode out the door. I was having a late shift tonight so I had to stay till about 11:00pm, usually it only took me an hour to sort out books and then I could sit and study. But tonight the books weren't that bad and did not need to be sorted. I looked at my study book for college and read about biology, soon my eyes tried to drift away into the pages of my book, slowly closing, I popped them back open and put down the book, "Uhhh, this stupid book is making me tired." I shifted in my seat and eventually got up to go to the restroom. As I was washing my hands I heard a strange sound coming from the back of the bookstore, I shut off the faucet and slowly creeped out of the bathroom. I stopped in my tracks when I realized the padlocks were unlocked from the big door in the back of the room. At first for some reason I wasn't surprised, I'm not sure why but it took me a while to realize that the padlocks weren't supposed to be unlocked, and then curiosity hit me, I couldn't help it, the door slowly creaked open on its own which made me stop again but I reached for the door peered around the edge and-

Sorry loves, I had to use the cliffhanger!!!! What do you think happened??!! Go write your answers down in the comments!

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