The lady with the basket

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I rub my tired, puffy eyes for the 100th time that night and look up at the clock, "Five more miserable minutes." I grumble, spinning around in my rolling chair and tapping some random keys on my computer. The last remaining minutes at the office are the most painful, they are the minutes where you wish you didn't have to go to work every day and work the late shift, and that you can run home and leap peacefully into bed. But those five minutes took so long and when they finally went by I leaped up out of my chair, grabbed my brief case and ran out the office door, shutting it and locking it behind me. I walked past the security guard and said goodnight and then swiftly jumped into the elevator which took it's fine time, slowly going down floor by floor. When I finally reached the bottom floor I sprang out and walked down through the lobby and out the front doors, letting the cold air outside greet me. I pulled my suit jacket a little tighter around me and walked down the cracked sidewalk to the bus stop. I thought a little more about work and knew my boss wouldn't be happy when she found out I hadn't done much today in the office, my head was just somewhere else and I couldn't think straight, hopefully she let me off easy. I approached the bus stop and jumped back a little as a bit of surprise slapped me in the face. I laughed to myself when I realized it was just an old lady, I must have not seen her get in front of me. She walked hunched over and she carries a brown basket with a cloth over it, and a small purse in the other hand. As she took another step she tripped, gained her balance but dropped her purse, I yelled out to her, "Wait miss!!! Let me help you with that." She stopped leaning over and let me pick the bag up for her. I hadn't seen her face yet so when I stood up to greet her I was surprised when just a cloaked hood sat where her face was, her face was hidden quite well and I couldn't make out a single feature. Then she took the purse and picked the cloth that was on the basket off, removing it and then saying, "Thank you young man, that was very kind." The voice didn't sound like it was coming from under her cloak and when I looked down to see what was under the cloth my lungs dropped into my stomach, sitting in the basket was her head, it looked up at me and smiled, its grin growing wider and as I looked up at the place where her head should have been I just saw a stump of a neck. And that's when I took off running, never turning back to see that disembodied head cackling.

I'm so sorry I haven't written in a while, I have been really busy, I hope you all forgive me🙏

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