Weeping Ghost

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           I dont think this is a good idea I said. I held my green parka close to my shivering body. Clara smashed her hammer up against the boarded up window one more time. I watched as she jumped in nimbly holding the edge of the jagged toothed pane. Whats it like? I yelled down to her. Nothing much, except for a pile of boxes and shut closets. I listened to her speak intently, hoping that maybe if I did my ears would start buzzing and my eyes would go out of focus and I would wake up in my cozy bed, clutching all my soft fuzzy teddy bears. But of course it was real and I would just have to wait until it was all over. Are you coming or are you waiting for the grass to grow and the earth to turn. Sorry I said once again I pulled my parka close to me, put my hands on the ground just below the window, propelled off and landed in a heap on the solid dust caked floor. Finally Clara said. I looked at her top to bottom; tonight she was wearing a purple blouse under a solid black parka. I had always envied Clara with her long black hair and sharp blue eyes; she had her hands closed on her hips in an aggravated position while she tapped her purple Nike sneakers on the hard floor. I got up and looked around. Clara I really dont think we should-  So scaredy cat should we start on this floor or the next. She said.

  The next 10 minutes was arguing and apologizing. It was me having a hard time to agree to go on and Clara having a hard time saying okay we don't have to go on. Finally I agreed that we could rummage around the basement for a bit then go up to the top floor for a while. Most of the time Clara looked through boxes of old toys and photos of serious melancholy men, women, and children. I tried to look bored but every second when she would find more old artifacts I couldn't help myself to think they were pretty amazing. As Clara was rummaging  through one of the largest boxes yet, I heard a sound coming from over our heads, UHHHGGGGGG I realized my mind was starting to wander and I quickly changed my thoughts telling myself to be more logical like Clara. okay we've had enough fun down here let's head to the next floor. Clara said alright but please let's not take too long this place is giving me the creeps

    Quickly we shuffled up the moss covered steps,Clara had that calm face on as usual and i couldn't help but to get annoyed, how can she be so calm in times like this. Like literally put the spotlight on me real quick and you'll see a scrawny 12 year old girl with brown hair, grey eyes, and bent teeth. Somehow i couldn't possibly imagine how Clara could stand the feeling in this place. My hair stood on end my skin felt cold and clammy, and my teeth chattered in a constant rhythm of jingle Bells. Maybe it was the fact i watched too many Ghost Hunter episodes, or possibly my imagination wandered over the hill into the torture chamber filled with ghouls and ghasts.

When we reached the top of the steps i thought i would see corpses, blood, and ghosts. But instead i saw pretty much overgrown plants and toppled furniture. Clara and i scanned the place with our eyes and then quickly set off. I simply followed Clara around and realized i was starting to feel a feeling of miasma that i learned was a certain type of sadness and fear that drifts through the air when ghosts are around. Of course if i warned Clara she would say oh don't be silly there's no such thing as gh- my thought was paused as i heard a slight sound of crying coming from the upstairs, What was that i said. I'm not exactly sure Clara said.

We wandered over to the stairs that led up to the top floor, and started climbing.

    I slowly peeked past the door frame that led through to the room that had the strongest feeling of miasma. We walked in not controlling our movements. As our paces were slowing, i could easily tell that we were being put in ghost lock i tried to turn to leave and so did Clara but the ghost lock was to strong. As we stopped completely held still, i turned my head to see that there was a little girl who was transparently glowing while crying invisible tears. She slowly turned her tear stained face and looked straight into our eyes. From a voice that was mine but i didn't mean to say it said what's wrong? She pointed her face in my direction and in a voice that crackled like a staticy radio she said they're in the walls. I tilted my head in a state of confusion. But i soon had the feeling of hundreds of eyes staring at me, i turned my head and looked at the walls and saw the bodies of people all around me.

Hey I don't know how you guys liked that, there's lots of spelling mistakes, sorry.

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