I am not crazy

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I snapped my head up, watching as the doctor came through the door.

"Ms. Wilder?" He said, I didn't look up, I just stared at the floor, my head doing the constant twitch, when it would jolt to the side real quick and do it again another 10 seconds later. He sighed walking over and tightening my restraints. He came to the one by my mouth and I swung my head around trying to bite him. He moved his hand away quickly than slapped me on the cheek.

"Naughty, naughty." He said shaking his finger at me, I could feel the spot on my cheek burning and my long brown hair sticking to my sweat covered forehead. I knew I couldn't contain my anger much longer and would soon have a fit. 'Why did they put me in here?' I asked myself. Looking at the doctor as his back was turned towards me. 'He is the evil one, he is the crazy one, not me.' I thought again. He walked over to me with a vile full of green liquid connected to a long sharp needle, he brought it up to my neck, not saying a word he held my chin and pulled it up a little so he could put the needle in my neck. But I couldn't stand it,I was to angry now. With all my strength I pulled my head away from his hand and wacked it against his hand so the needle fell out onto the floor and broke into a thousand shards.

"Arghhhhh, you will pay for that!!!" He said, but I didn't have to worry, I turned to look at him, my head still twitching I laughed a long high pitched laughter, then quickly with my unhuman strength I ripped the restraining straps away from me and jumped out of the chair. He gulped, he knew what I could do, he was scared. I felt it as the long fingernails burst out of my fingers and my teeth grew to their long sharp size, I looked at the mirror on the wall and grinned as my eyes turned black, I got down on all fours and ran towards him, grabbing him by the neck I wiggled my finger at him.

"Naughty, naughty." I said before biting deep into his neck, he deserved it.

Hey guys I don't know how you liked this one, it just popped into my head, keep reading, I'll be updating a new one soon.

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