Back in time

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Okay sorry if this is a totally weird one, this was actually my dream last night, and since I'm a lucid dreamer I remembered all of it. So it's pretty much going to be told like a play, scene by scene.

Scene 1:

I'm in the shower in my hotel room. It seems quite normal until the walls around me turn into see-through shower curtains, now as I look through one curtain on one side of me I see my room and the other side of me is a diner, everyone is staring at me and laughing, all of the sudden another pair of curtains appear, these ones are white so I pull them across the clear curtains and the laughter stops.

Scene 2:

Next I'm standing on a balcony of the hotel room and I'm looking outside, below me there is a weird water park, except instead of the slides being normal there all made of like the blowup pool toy material, behind the weird slides are two buildings, they look a lot alike except one is new and a replica of the old one, also the old one has two windows on the front of it and there are a pair of rotten arms hanging out each window, I try not to look cause its scaring me, but its really hard not to.

Scene 3:

Next I'm sliding down one of the slides, they aren't steep at all and since there's barely no water running down them I have to scoot down it, there's this little kid behind me getting mad because I'm "going to slow". I'm getting mad now so I get up and am about to leave when my mom pulls me over to the replica building.

Scene 4:

But then all of the sudden the water park is gone, except for the two buildings and now the place is a fair, we walk through the other buildings that have animals in them and I remember going through one hat had a ton of parrots, and I felt bad for them because there cages were really small and none of them wanted to be there.

Scene 5:

Next the fair is still there but now we are walking through the replica building, it looks like an old jail cell, noting creepy.

Scene 6:

I'm in the parking lot of the fair grounds with my mom, we are standing next to the car and packing up our stuff so we can leave. She looks at me and says, "We are dropping you off at your grandparents house, but do not go near that old building its dangerous and cursed." I don't get it because my grandparents house is no where near the old building, its miles away from the fair.

Scene 7:

Next I don't remember how I got here, but I'm thrown from a car driving fast down the highway and end up on the side of the road with my parents zooming off in the distance. There's big trucks and tractors that pass us because now we are in country land. I keep trying to wave tractors down to get a ride but they all ignore me, finally I wave down a bulldozer and they tell me they can get me there, and yes it was a bulldozer. For some reason its a really fast bulldozer. The driver keeps showing off and they are driving up really steep hills really fast, finally we get there and its like I've been brought back in time before there was a fair and when there was just the old building, except now I get my mothers words because for some reason the old building is right next to my grandparents house.

Scene 8:

Instead of being in my grandparents house I meet a girl about my age who lives in the old building, the hands are still hanging out the front windows but now they are moving and are not dead yet.

Scene 9:

Now we are in the building and walking down a dark hallway, I remember my moms warning, this place is terrifying. Things keep moving around by them selves and I don't see whos moving them, I see shadows and many other things, so for some reason I take out my phone and close my eyes, I take pictures with the flash on in many directions then without looking up I look at the pictures and see tons of ghosts in them.

Scene 10:

My friend and I are sitting on a bench in one of the rooms and you can tell this room used to be a schoolhouse room, there are tons of old desks and cobwebs everywhere. All of the sudden one of the chairs in front of us pulls out by itself from underneath a desk and then slides back like someone pulled it out to sit in it. Then my friend that is my age stands back and whispers to me "It's the professor, back up." I'm confused but I do what she says, I backup away from the desk and bow my head like she is doing. A ghostly man appears with a scowl on his face, he doesn't look like he died a hundred years ago, he has red spiky hair, is wearing a white T-shirt and has piercings all over his ears.

Scene 11:

It has been a year and my parents haven't come back, I go to the house everyday, I have become friends with all the ghosts, for some reason they always do house work on the house, like today they sit under the house since its a raised house and clean out boxes.

Yah that was my weird dream that ended right there.

Oh and I forgot one part, the professor says I'm not aloudto go into the room with the windows because its forbidden.

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