Somethings in the basement

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I push open the door, waiting for my parents to go in before me. The old oak door creeks as I push it the rest of the way. Ginger gallops in sniffing at all the new smells in the house. My theory is simple we should have stayed at our old home. Ever since i walked into that house something was wrong, maybe it was the weird smell, the strange noises, or the reason that someone had died in the house before we lived there. His name was Mr.backlerman. When they found him dead in the basement with a huge hunk of meat in his hand they didn't know what to think, but when they turned him over onto his back they just stared. His face was petrified in a shock of terror, and his chest was covered with long claw marks.
I looked all around the room, cobwebs clung to the chandelier, mold stunk up the inside of the kitchen, Ginger still walked around smelling all the old furniture and molded walls. We looked around for a bit and finally the moving van arrived. They helped us move in the new furniture and move out the old.
That night i slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. The house was dark and there was nothing to be heard except for the dog shifting around in her cage. Then i realized we don't keep the dog in a cage. I listened to whatever was moving around, I listened harder and thought it was coming from the basement stairs. Ginger wined, pacing along my bedroom floor. I got up and rubbed my eyes, "What is it girl?" I opened my bedroom door and watched as Ginger bulleted down the hall and down the stairs. Whatever had been down there was now quite because there was no more scratching noises. I grabbed Ginger by the collar and started to incline on the stairs that led up to my bedroom. But then the sounds started up again, I turned around slowly and heard a voice that said, "meeeaaaat, I need meeeaaaat!" As scared as i was I peered over the stair banister and saw a pair of glowing eyes staring at me through the darkness, and long sharp claws that slid up and down the basement stair well. The thing glided to the kitchen door and disappeared into the kitchen only to come back with a huge slice of beef and a blood curtailing smile.

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