Chapter 54: That Would Be a Good Guess

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The pain didn’t stop, it got worse. I laid there in the bathroom crying holding the pain. It was worse than when I got shot. My whole body was burning in agony. It was a good thing that Alex took Hunter, because I was almost screaming out. I got out of the tub and held on to the counter and screamed as the pain happened again making the tears poor down my wet face. I crawled over to the pile of clothes Kirsty put in the bathroom for me. I pulled on a t-shirt and pants and crawled out of the bathroom on my hands and knees till I got to the phone. I dialed Kirsty’s number with shaking hands and fingers.

Kirsty* Grace are you okay? I hear noise from your house.

Me* No Kirsty, no it hurts.

I burst into tears

Kirsty* I will be right over. Let me call Alex to drop off Logan.

Me* Okay, please hurry. Oh god it hurts, make it stop. Ouch please hurry.

Kirsty* hold on, just take deep breaths okay.

I hung up the phone and cried there on the floor holding my stomach. I wanted the pain to stop. I rocked myself back and forth screaming trying to stop the pain. Kirsty ran into the room to me screaming. “Grace, Grace come on I’m bring you to the hospital right now.” She said helping me up and helping me to her truck.

“Oh it hurts.” I cried at her. I held her hand as she drive as fast as she could to the hospital.

“We are almost there. It’s okay. Take deep breathes. Okay breath.” She parked and helped me out quickly. “Please help, please. My friend needs help.” She called to the nurses. I fell to the ground in pain causing the nurses to run over. “Please help her.” Another nurse brought over a wheel chair as her and Kirsty helped me into it.

“Please make it stop.” I cried to them. They rushed me to the E.R. as they held Kirsty back.

“Sorry Sweet heart I need you to help fill these out, then you can go to her.” A nurse said handing her some papers………

“Hi sweet heart can you tell me your name?” The doctor said as she looked me over.

“Grace Banks.” I cried as another pain rippled through me.

“Okay what hurts?” She asked. I held my lower stomach in agony again. She took my hand off and felt around it making me scream at the top of my lungs in pain.

“Grace, can you be pregnant?” She asked me. I shook my head.

“I can’t have a baby. I can’t my husband has been away for 5 months now.” I cried out.

“Well I felt something in there while I was feeling around so let’s get her a ultra sound, and as bad her pain is get it done fast. It could be her appendix so make sure you get that.” She walked out pulling on a nurse’s arm. “I want you to give her an epidural, to stop the pain.”

“Why an epidural? She’s not pregnant.” The nurse said.

“I think she is, and if she isn’t the pain would stop really no harm done. So do that as I get the ultra sound.” The nurse nodded and walked to get the things she needed……..

Kirsty walked into the room to see me lying on a bed rooming at the TV that was playing. “Hey how are you feeling?” I looked over at her.

“I feel horrible.” I sighed rubbing my sore and still painful, but not as bad, stomach.

“What are they going to do?” She asked. I looked at the drip that was in my arm.

“They are bringing down the ultra sound now.” I sighed looking at her. “Was Hunter okay when you dropped Logan off?” I asked her. She smiled.

“He fell asleep while he was watching TV. Alex wants me to call her when they figure out what’s wrong with you. Ruben was worried too you know.” She said sitting down next to the bed.

“Why?” I asked groaning in pain.

“He loves you like a sister, you know that. When I got there he was with Hunter as they watched TV. Ruben wants a boy and Hunter is the perfect boy for him to love for now.” She laughed.

“Hunter is just the perfect little boy to love.” I nodded. The doctor came in with the ultra sound machine.

“I’m sorry, it took so long to get here but I’m here now.” She smiled and rolled it over to the bed.

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