Chapter 13: Is It Real?

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I was at the dinner, alone. No one was there. Not one single person, not even people in the dinner.  I never felt so alone.  I looked around to see the street lights turn on and I saw Vicky at the end of the parking lot. I watched as she walked towards me. I tried to move but my feet were stuck to the ground. She slapped me across my face. “Stay away from him.” She screamed. She punched me and punched me. I felt like my lungs just stopped working. I heard her laugh. “You should have stayed away from him.” She kicked me as I laid there turning blue, my lungs begged for air as she held my nose and mouth.

I wished and wished for some help. “Stay away from my boyfriend.” She said in a deadly low voice. I wanted to say Cooper was mine but I heard footsteps. I looked up with hard eyes to see Cooper walking over.

“Baby come on.” I heard Cooper say, and then Vicky sighed.

“Let me just finish her off.” Vicky’s annoying high pitch voice says.

“Just leave her.” Cooper said frustrated. Vicky punches me one last time before letting go and shoving her tongue down Cooper’s throat. Coop kissed her back then looked at me. He said the one thing that made all my physical pain feel like a walk in the park.

“I never really did love you.”………….

I shot up in bed and looked around. I was alone in a hospital room. The beeping of my heart monitor went crazy. A nurse ran into the room and looked at me. “Sweetheart are you okay?” She asked catching her breath. I shook my head and took some painful breathes causing my heart monitor to go crazy once again. “Let me call your doctor.” She ran right out as I tried to steady my racing heart. The darkness made me jump as every noise that pasted my room.

A little while later Meg came walking into my hospital room. My heart wasn’t beating so fast but I still just sat there. “Come here. It’s okay.” She sat down and hugged me. I started to sob heavily as she rocked me back and forth very gently.  “I will get someone to call Cooper.”  She said rocking me like a baby. A nurse came in and Meg whispered something. I laid my head on Megs shoulder and just cried. Cooper walked in the room. He was in his pajamas, a pair of lose thin pants and a black lose t-shirt.  When he saw me he ran over.

“Baby what’s wrong?” He asked stroking my hair. I threw my arms around and sobbed on to his shoulder. “Did you have another bad dream?” He asked. I nodded and buried my head in his shirt. It was only about 12 in the morning. “I love you.” He whispered.  I held on to him like my life depended on it. When I stopped I looked at Coopers face. He was looking down at me with pure concern. “I’m here nothing is going to happen.” He kissed me.

“Do you really love me?” I asked in a small voice. He looked down at me with confusion then understanding.

“Of course baby, nothing can make me not love you.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Come lay down with me.” He laid me down next to him. “No one is going to hurt you, because I sure as hell am going to kill them if they try.” He smiled. I looked up at him and smiled……..

Megs stood outside the room at the nurse’s station.  “Are you going to call a psychiatrist for her?” A nurse asked her.

“What no. Why would I?” She said looking at her like she was crazy.

“Oh I don’t know she just woke up sobbing, and her heart was going crazy.” The nurse said giving her the same look.

“Hell no. That girl just got attacked by a drugged up bitch, which was jealous of her boyfriend that loves her to death. She has been dealing with crap all her life. She is a marine brat, and I will not make her talk to someone if she doesn’t want to.” Meg said as she heard footsteps walking down the hall. They both looked up as a guy walked over to them with blonde hair cut into a military style. He had these dark brown eyes that shined. “Can I help you?” Megs asked.

“Yes you can Ma’am. I’m looking for Grace Roberts? I’m Connor, her Brother.” He said rubbing the little hair that was on his head.

“I’m Megs, her junior Doctor.” She smiled shaking his hand.

“Junior Doctor?” He asked confused.

“Yup, I need to finish getting my doctor degree I can finish joining the Marines.” She nodded looked at something on my chart. Connor smiles and looks her up and down.

“The Marines huh?” He smirks. Megs looked up.

“You know, they are the hottest in uniform, let along dress blues.” She smirked looking at him.

“Hmm I think I do know.” He laughed. Megs took her to my room to see me and Cooper both of us fast asleep.

“Well it looks like she is asleep.” Megs sighed. “You look like you came along way.” Megs said. Connor looked at her.

“When do you get off?” He asked. Megs looked at the time.

“Now.” She laughed.

“How about you and me go out for a coffee?”  He gave a crooked smile.

“How about a late dinner, early breakfast, I’m starving.” She smiles.

“Deal” He smiled…….

When I woke up the next morning Cooper was still fast asleep with his head right next to mine, as his arm was flung over my stomach. I turned my head and kissed his cheek.  He blinked his eyes and smiled at me. “Good Morning baby.” He smiled.

“Morning, I love you.” I smiled. He kissed me.

“I love you too.” He smiled. Someone cleared there throat. I looked over to see Uncle Charlie standing there. I blushed and smiled.

“Morning Uncle Charlie.”

“Hey Kiddo, and Cooper.” He laughed.

“Good Morning Mr. Roberts.” Cooper smiled.

“I just came to tell you about Vicky.” Cooper held me closer.

“What about her?” I asked in a small voice.

“She is being charged with being under the influence of an illegal substance as well as having an illegal substance. Now I came to see if you want to press charges.” I nodded with tears in my eyes.

“I don’t want her any were near her.” Cooper said. Uncle Charlie sighed.

“I don’t want her near her either, but it’s up to her Cooper.”  Uncle Charlie looked at me.

“I want her to go away. I want a restraining order too.” I said squeezing Cooper’s chest, which I was holding on to.

“Okay Baby. I will see you later. Oh and you have a visitor.”

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