Chapter 53: I'm Taking Care of Mommy

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It’s been about 5 months since the wedding. Hunter was part of the family now and loved it. He loved his Grandpa and Grandpa in Wisconsin, as well as his Uncle Spencer. Logan was 8 months now and was growing up so fast. He was standing up and grabbing on to the tables and giggling. Hunter loved to play with Logan and have fun with him. Hunter was adorable and just loved the new house.  We moved onto Camp Lejeune, as that is where Jesse and Cooper were stationed. They were lucky to be put in the same platoon. Cooper went back to Parris Island than a week later he and Jesse were both sent to Afghanistan leaving Kirsty and me here. Alex was lucky. Ruben wasn’t going anywhere yet. He was stationed here for some training for another month before he is deploying as an officer. The phone rang as I was making dinner. Kirsty, Alex and the kids were coming over for dinner. I had my hands deep in come meat for the meatballs, making me stop and pull the phone off the hook.

Me* Hello?

Cooper* Hey baby

I went back to cooking holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder.

Me* Hey how are you? How’s everything over there? How’s Jesse? I love you.

Cooper* I’m good. Everything is okay. Jesse is fine. He misses Logan and Kirsty a lot. I love you too. I miss you so much. So what are you doing tonight?

Me* the girls are coming over for dinner. I bought a movie for the kids to watch before they fall asleep.

Cooper* That sounds great baby. How’s Hunter?

Me* He misses his Daddy a lot. He gets nightmares a lot, so he comes and sleeps with me.

Cooper* Oh baby, I’m sorry

Me* It’s okay he stopped wetting the bed as much, but if the dream is really bad them he wets his pull-up.

Cooper* How are you feeling?

Me* I miss my husband. I miss him so much it hurts some times. When Hunter comes in at nights I wonder who needs the comfort more, me or him.

Cooper* I’m sorry baby; I wish I could be there to hold you.

Me* I love you Cooper

Cooper* I love you too Baby, I love you too.

I wipped the tears that were rolling down my face.

Cooper* Hey only a month left baby, then I will be home.

Me* I know, I can’t wait.

I wipped the last of the tears as Hunter walked into the kitchen in his pajamas ready for dinner and a movie.

“Hunter you want to talk to Daddy?” I asked him. He nodded  and held out his hands for the house phone.

Cooper* Hey Buddy

Hunter* Daddy I miss you.

Cooper*I miss you too Hunter. I think of you every day here Buddy.

Hunter* Really?

Cooper* Of course. Are you doing what I aksed before I left?

Hunter* Yes Daddy, I’m taking care of Mommy.

Cooper* Good, because you’re the man of the house when I’m gone. I love you Hunter. Can I talk to Mommy?

Hunter* Okay Daddy. I love you too. I miss you.

Cooper*I miss you too Buddy.

Hunter handed me the phone wiping th tears from his face

Cooper* I have to go Baby. I love you.

Me* I love you too

Cooper hung up the phone. I looked at Hunter. I could tell he was trying not to cry. “Come here buddy.”  I said leaning down and huging him tightly to me.

“I miss Daddy.” He cried. I held him a little bit tighter.

“I do too, Hunter. I do too.” I whispered kissing him head. The door bell rang causeing Hunter to look up.

“Can I get it? Please Mommy.” I nodded and he ran off to get the door. I stood up and sighed. A sharp pain went through my lower stomach making me grab it and hold it tight. The pain quickly pasted making me sigh.

“You okay Grace?” Kirsty asked. I looked at her. She had little Logan in her hands who, wasn’t very little any more.

“Yeah. You can just put him down on the floorby the TV if you want. I was just have to finish making dinner. Cooper called so I was a little distracted.” I walked back into the kitchen. The door bell rang again and I could here Hunter running to go answer it. I took the meat balls out of the oven and put the meatballs in the pasta.

“What’s wrong?” Kirsty asked. I looked up.

“I don’t know, its just I feel Hunter has no one his age to play with. I feel like he is missing something.” I sighed running a hand through my hair.

“I think Hunter is doing fine.” Alex said coming in the kitchen. “I poped the movie into the VCR for them to watch.”

“I just I don’t know. I’m just worrying.” I sighed. Kirsty smiled.

“Your just beeing a Mom.” She laughed.  I smiled and put the food on the table. “Have you spoke to Jesse resently Kirsty?” I asked taking a bite of my food.

“He called before and you will never guess what Logan said.” She nearly jumpped out of her chair.

“Wait Logan talked!” Alex gasped. “That amazing!”

“He said Dada to Jesse and he freaked. It was perfect.” She smiled.

“That’s great!  I bet my brother was happy.” I smiled walking my plate to the sink and put it in. Another sharp pain racked through me again. I griped the counter tightly and took a breath through my teeth.

“Grace are you okay?” Kirsty said coming to my side in a moment.

“Yeah just some nasty cramps.” I hissed the pain not gone yet. The pain went away letting me breath out the breath I didn’t know I held.

“You sure your okay….maybe I should take you to the hosptial.” She said rubbing my clenched hands.

“No I’m fine. I think I’m just going to take a nice warm shower to ease the pain.” I sighed. Alex looked at me.

“Let me take Hunter just in case okay. He can sleep over mine.” She smiled rubbing my hands.

“Okay.” I sighed walking slowly to the bath room and turning on the hot water. This pain was nothing like the period pains I had after the shooting. They were so much worse. I hope that the pain stops soon because they were killing me……….

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