Chapter 12: What is Happening?

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I looked up at him them down at my new neon blue cast, not answering him. “It was Vicky wasn’t it.” I nodded gently. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  “I’m sorry I should have never dated you.” With those eight words that broke my heart in two.  I tried to sit up, even with all the pain I was having. Cooper grabbed me and laid me back down.

“Stop.” I moaned in pain.

“Baby I am so sorry. I just,” He took a deep breath; “If I didn’t go on that date with you, you wouldn’t be here.” He sighed. I looked over at him.

“Please don’t think like that. I love you. It hurts for you to tell me that you think we are a mistake.” I pouted. He wrapped he arm gently around me.

“I’m sorry Baby. I just hate to see you in pain, and to know I caused it.” He sighed laying his head on my shoulder.

“It’s not your fault okay. Let’s just forget about it. Let’s go to sleep.” I smiled lying on his shoulder. As I was about to fall asleep a spasm went through me. Cooper looked down at me.

“Baby what was that?” He asked rubbing my back.

“Ow,” I moaned as another rocked through me again. Cooper picked up the nurse’s button and clicked it. A nurse came in as my muscles spasms again. When another nurse came in Jesse was watching me as Kirsty was still pasted out on his chest. I was clinging to Cooper as my muscles had a mind of their own. “Make it stop.” I sobbed into Cooper’s shirt. The nurse gave me something that made me pass out in Cooper’s arms. Everyone thought they stopped till my muscles decided not too.

“I’ll call her doctor.” The nurse ran out of the room, as I held onto Cooper in my sleep.  Cooper looked at Jesse.

“I’m scared Dude.” He whispered.

“Me too, Coop, me too.” Cooper pressed his lips to my head and didn’t take them away till Meg walked in.

“What’s going on?” She asked. Cooper looked up.

“We were just talking then she was in pain and then it didn’t stop.” Cooper sighed. Meg stood there thinking for a minute. She walked out then walked back in holding hot water bottle bags. She had Cooper lay me on stomach as she laid a towel and laying the bags on me. My muscles relaxed, causing me to sigh. Cooper smiled and sat on the chair next to my bed as Meg left. He held my good hand and sat there watching me sleep.……….

When I woke up the next morning Cooper was fast asleep with his head on the side of the bed. I stroked his hair smiling. He nudged my hand to him mouth and kissed it. I giggled softly making him smile. The phone started to ring in the room so I reached over, to my muscles disgust, and answered it.

Me* Hello?

Uncle Charlie* Hey Kiddo, how are you? Sorry I couldn’t call earlier I had a late night, Adams called me. You were pretty bad.

Me* Don’t worry about it. Cooper and Kirsty took good care of me with Meg

Uncle Charlie* Wait who’s Meg?

Me* She was here when Kirsty broke her hand; she is trying to be a Marine Doctor.

Uncle Charlie* Oh okay, you going to be okay till I come there later?

Me* Yes Uncle Charlie, I will be fine. I promise, be good at work okay?

Uncle Charlie* Okay Kid. Love you.

Me* Love you too.

I hung up the phone and looked at the couch to see Kirsty and Jesse gone. I frowned as Cooper got up to get the note on the pillow. He handed it to me. It said:


I opened the folded piece of paper

Hey Sis, Kirsty and I went to school. Remember, today is Thursday.  We didn’t want to wake you and sleeping Beauty up. I will be calling at lunch so don’t do anything bad.


I refolded it and looked up at Cooper. “Sleeping beauty I’m hungry.” I smiled. Cooper blushed and kissed my head.

“I’ll tell the nurse you’re up.”

“Okay, love you.”  I smile lying on my back.

“Love you too.” He walked out and went to find a nurse. I sat on the bed looking at the bruises that covered my stomach and ribs. I look a deep pained breath and watched my chest inflate. “Baby?” I covered back up and looked at Cooper who stood in the door way.

“Yeah?”  I asked.

“They said they will bring you some of their best food. You want me to stay?” He asked. I nodded my head as my lip wobbled.

“Can I have a hug?” I whispered. He nodded and walked over and hugged me. I laid my head on his chest and hugged him. He kissed my head and closed his eyes.

“I love you.” He whispered into my hair. We heard a person clear there throat. I look over Cooper’s shoulder to see Meg standing there with a tray of food.

“Well good to see you too up, and up to no good.” We both blushed. “I brought you two some food. Now I need to talk to you Grace.” I sat back, with Cooper’s help since I was so sore, and looked at Meg.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I want to tell you what happened. Now I know you know about your finger. It will be okay, now your leg was broken in 3 spots. Your ankle was broken and you fractured your shin. That cast should be on for about 6 weeks. I want to keep you here till your bruises clear up a little, because they are causing you too much pain. You actually stopped breathing while you were sleeping last night because the pain meds wore off.

“It won’t be long maybe just another day, then some nice rest and relaxation.  Which will mean after tomorrow when you get home. No school okay. You need to just stay in bed. You will be on crutches because of your leg, but don’t walk on them a lot. I mean it okay Grace.” She said. I nodded. She got up to walk out but turned around. “I mean it.”

“I know Meg. Go to bed you had the night shift. Go sleep you need it.” I smiled. She gave me one last look before walking out. I looked at Cooper. “What?”

“I think she means it.” He laughed. I smiled as he kissed me.

“I mean it to.” I whispered.

“Mean what?” He asked shoving food into his mouth.

“I love you.” I laughed………

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