Chapter 22: Hold My Hand

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I watched her face as she started the ultra sound. “Well you’re not pregnant.” She said looking around on the screen. I felt Cooper squeeze my hand. “Hmmm this looks painful.” She said. I looked at the screen.

“What’s wrong?” Cooper asked.

“It looks like your period cramps are causing the scar tissue around and on your ovary and uterus to tug and move causing you extreme pain.” She clicked around again. She stopped and handed me a tissue and turned off the machine. She walked out and a couple of minutes later the doctor came in. She picked up my chart and read it as Cooper helped me up.

“Now the best I can do to stop the pain is to put you on a high dose of birth control to stop your cramps.” She put down my chart and looked at me. “I know the doctor at the hospital said you can’t have a baby because you won’t have enough eggs but now it’s different. You can’t have a baby because it is a risk to your life. The scar tissue from where the bullet went as well as from where they went in to get the ovary out will pull and tare. It can cause internal bleeding and can kill you. It wouldn’t be safe for you or the baby. If you did have a baby it could kill you easily. You need to be careful if you are or plan to be sexually active.” She wrote out a prescription. “You need to take this and if the pain doesn’t go away I want you to call the office then go to the hospital.” I nodded sadly.

“Thank you Doctor.” Cooper sighed rubbing his forehead.

“You’re welcome; I want to see you back here in a couple of weeks.” I nodded and grabbed my clothes to change into. I got up and walked to the bathroom with Cooper in tow behind me.

“Baby,” He said to me as he stood by the door in the bathroom as I pulled off my gown and slipped on my bra, as I never took off my underwear.

“What?” I snapped as the tears started to flow from my eyes and down my cheeks. He pulled me to him and gently stroked my soon to be scar.

“It’s okay baby, don’t cry.” He whispered playing with the strap of my bra as the tears silently fell down my face. He helped me pull on my shirt, and then lifted me onto the sink counter. I looked up at him.

“It could kill me.” I cried. “It would kill me.” I cry laying my head on his shoulder as he helped me pull my pants on. He wrapped my legs around his waist and put my hands around his neck as I left my head on his shoulder. He carried me out like a little kid to get Kirsty before carrying me to the car. I stayed silent the whole ride home. Cooper drove me in his car as Kirsty drove herself in mine. Cooper lifted me back up as we got home and took me in side.  Jesse was sitting watching some TV when we came in.

“What’s wrong?” Jesse asked jumping up as all three of us came in.

“Nothing Jesse, I just want to go to bed.” I sighed getting ready to let go of Cooper, but he held me tighter.

“I’ll take you. Jess can you go fill her prescription for me?” He asked rubbing my back. He nodded and pulled Kirsty with him to go get it filled. Cooper laid me on my back and hovered over me. I looked up at him. “I love you.” He smiled. I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“I love you too.” I smiled. “But why did you send Jesse out? I don’t need it till tomorrow cause I’m still on my old pill.” I said raising my eyes brow. He had a look like when you catch a child stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. He kissed me again causing heat to sear through my body. When he let me breath I was gasping.

“That would explain why.” I said going back to his lips. I heard him pull open my bedside table draw and pull out a packet. When I looked over he kissed me again.

“It’s just to be safe baby.” He smiled kissing me again, pulling off my shirt. After it was off I re-attached my lips to his. He moved his lips down to my neck. I ran my hand down his abs and looked up at him.

“Cooper?” I asked quietly. He stopped kissing me and looked up.

“Yeah?” He asked stroking my face. I blushed a dark red. “What?” He asked smiling.

“Will you hold my hand since it’s my first time?” I blushed looking down at my jeans which were still on. I felt his fingers on my chin gently lifting it to make me look at him.

“Grace I would and will do anything for you.” He smiled and kissed me. He grabbed my hand and held it in his as he kissed me…………………

I lay on his chest listening to his heart beat start to slow. I looked up at his face as he smiled down at me. “I love you.” He said as he kissed me. I smiled at him.

“I love you too.” I said as he pulled the blanket on top of us and tucked me in. He watched as I fell into a deep sleep. He stroked my hair and just tried to freeze this memory into his mind forever. It was almost the middle of February. This meant that it was almost time for boot camp.  Jesse and Cooper went to the recruited again to finish out the papers to enroll. They leave on June 25 to go to Parris Island, which is only 4 days after their High School graduation.  But what really got the two of them was that it was 2 days before Kirsty’s due day. The boys were going to miss Logan’s birth.

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