Chapter 30: Hey Baby

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After I fell asleep the pain wasn’t as bad. Well till I woke up to not see Cooper. I rubbed my face and looked around to see a note on a picture of Cooper and me. It read on the front of the folded paper:


I ran my fingers over the word. It was in Cooper’s hand writing I knew it. I sat there admiring the perfect way he wrote my name making my heart flutter. I opened the note and started to read.

Hey Baby,

If you’re reading this I guess I have gone to boot camp. I wrote this as you were sleeping last night next to me. I know I won’t get to see you every day but I have a picture of my little Logan and you when you were feeding him. I know you hate pictures of yourself but this one was perfect. You looked beautiful, my fiancée. I wrote this to tell you I love you no matter how long I am gone. I want you to know that every time I wake up I will think of you, and every time I go to sleep I will think of you the first time we you know.

I know this sounds weird but you’re my everything. You always will be I promise.  I look at you now sleeping silently like a beautiful angel. All I wonder is how I got so luck to meet you and fall head over heels in love with you. It took me all of 20 seconds to see that you are going to be my forever. You sat there and smiled like nothing mattered and that made me happy. To see you cry that time I broke your heart it killed me. I am sorry I ever made you cry. If I could make it up to you I would but I know I can’t and I am so sorry I did.

I really just wanted to say I love you. I love you, the best three words of the English dictionary to say to you.  Never forget that Baby. I don’t know if I will get to write to you as much as I want since I know it’s going to be hell, but you will always be on my mind. Baby I love you, never forget that.

With Love and Care,

You’re soon to be Marine, (12 weeks!)


P.S. Give Levi a nice pat on the head, and give Logan a kiss from his Uncle Coop

I reread the letter over and over that I swear the ink was going to fade away. I felt the tears start to roll down my face as I looked at the picture of me and Cooper. He had his strong arms wrapped around me as I was laughing. I refolded the letter and gently put it back on the nightstand. I rubbed my eyes and smiled at the picture. I walked out to see Dad watching TV with Logan asleep on his bare chest. Logan’s little head was laying on the tattoo of Connor’s, Jesse’s, and my names in script. He looked up as I walked in and smiled.

“Hey Baby Girl, did you sleep good.” I nodded and looked at Logan questionably.  “He woke up a little while ago and wanted a feeding so I go him a bottle and after he just fell asleep. You all were the same.” He smiled stroking Logan’s bear back as he was only wearing a diaper.

“You have a comfy chest Dad.” I smiled sitting down next to him. He shook his head.

“I guess so. He should be waking up again soon for his bottle.” He said as I snuggled into his arm.

“How long have I been sleeping?” I smiled as Logan’s little eyes started to open. He looked at my face and then closed his eyes going back to sleep.

“About 4, or 5 hours now. It’s about 6 now Baby girl.” I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. I picked Logan off his chest to go get him a bottle. Dad followed me into the kitchen. “What’s wrong Baby?” He asked after we sat in silence while I feed Logan.

“I just, I just miss him.” I sighed causing tears to form in my eyes. Logan started to fuss as the tear fell down my face. He started to push his bottle away and start to cry. Dad took him out of my hands and out of the room. I walked to the frig and got a bottle of cold ice tea. I wiped the tears off my cheeks as Levi ran through the open door. “Hey Buddy, what are you doing in here?” I asked rubbing his head as he was at my waist all grown up.  He licked my face and barked making me smile. I rubbed his head before taking him back outside to the barn. He couldn’t stay in the house because he was huge and we didn’t want him to hurt little Logan so he is out in the barn with Sadie. When I walked back in Dad was in the family room watching TV. I walked over to him and dropped onto his lap and snuggled into him like I did when I was little.

“I love you Baby.” He whispered.

“I love you too Daddy.” I whispered into his chest. He rubbed my back as we watched TV. I always loved to snuggle with my dad since I was little. When he was away I would miss him and cuddle with Connor, or Jesse.  But I always loved to snuggle with my Daddy. It always made me feel better. He kissed my head and smiled at me. When I looked at the TV it was a show that had a kid was fighting with her mother and father. She didn’t know how lucky she was. I looked up at me Dad and asked the question that has been playing on my mind for so long.

“Dad, if Mom came back would you take her back?” 

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