Chapter 21: Boy or Girl?

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Kirsty got up and started to walk to the room with me behind her.  I smiled as she grabbed my hand. She walked to the chair next to the ultra sound machine. I sat in a chair by the wall and started to read my book as she sat looking at the ceiling thinking as we waited for the tech to come. I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach causing me to gasp and grind my teeth. “Grace you okay?” Kirsty asked. I nodded and rubbed it. “You don’t look fine.” I looked at her, the pain gone.

“I am, don’t worry.” I smiled. She narrowed her eyes but the tech came in stopping the conversation.

“So Kirsty, you ready to see your baby?” She nodded. I watched the screen in amazement as the screen lit up to show Kirsty’s baby.  I gasped causing them to both look at me.

“He has Jesse’s face.” I laughed. “Poor kid,” Kirsty glared at me. I shrugged looking at her with my family’s famous half smile. She then stated to laugh.

“Ah pregnancy hormones.” The tech smiled. “Now Kirsty did you want to know the sex?” She asked. Kirsty looked at me then nodded. The tech started to click buttons and moved the mouse. “Why look at this, you are going to have a little boy.” I put my hands to my mouth as the tears started to over flow my eyes. I’m getting a nephew.  Kirsty wiped her tears away.

“A baby boy,” She said staring at me. I nodded and smiled.

“My little nephew, he will be my favorite.” I giggled. She rolled her eyes as the tech printed out the pictures.

“Would you like one sweetheart? I can print you out one too.” I nodded.

“Please, if you can.” I said as Kirsty wipes the gel off her stomach. The tech printed me a perfect picture of his face.

“Oh my god he is sucking on his thumb.” I cooed to Kirsty. She looked at it and smiled.

“He is.” She smiled. “Okay I am about to pee my pants so let’s find a bathroom.”  We walk to the bathrooms and I wait outside it as she went. I felt the sharp pain again causing me to grab it and close my eyes tight holding on to the wall.

“Sweetheart are you okay?” A nurse asked. I took a deep breath rubbing my stomach trying to make the pain go away. I shook my head. “Let me get the doctor for you.” She sat me down and ran off. I was leaning forward clutching my lower stomach. Kirsty walked out as the doctor was talking to me.

“Sweetheart I want you to come back into an exam room so I can see what is causing you this pain. Let me get you a nurse.” I nodded as she walked off. Kirsty came over.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“My tummy hurts.” I stuck out my bottom lip as the tears welled up in my eyes.

“I’m calling Cooper, don’t you even say anything.” She said pulling out her cell phone as a nurse came with a wheel chair taking me into the back.

Cooper* Hey Kirsty

Kirsty* Hey Cooper I think you need to come down to the doctor’s office.

Cooper* Why, is everything okay?

Kirsty* I don’t know but your fiancée just got taken back to an exam room by the doctor because she was in pain

Cooper* When did it start? Why didn’t she tell me?

Kirsty* Calm down they just started during the ultra sound. She didn’t tell you because she wasn’t allowed to use her phone, so just get your butt down here and give her some moral support.

With that she hung up the phone and walked back to where I was. I was lying on a table in a gown on looking at the ceiling. She sat on the chair next to the table and grabbed my hand.  She laid it on her bump. I felt the little kick he gave me though his mommy. “Have you and Jesse thought of any names yet?” I asked in a small voice.

“We did. We did for both, but since it’s a boy we were going to call him Logan.” She smiled as I rubbed her belly with my thumb.

“Little Logan,” I smiled. “Perfect.” The doctor came into the room with a Cooper behind him in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. He walked over and kissed me.

“You okay baby?” He asked leaning over me making me look up at him. I stuck my bottom lip out at him. He kissed it gently.

“My tummy hurts.” I pouted at him. He kissed Kirsty’s head and sat down on a seat by my head.

“I’m sorry baby.” He sighed kissing my shoulder as he laid his head on it. The doctor smiled at us.

“Now I need to take some blood work, a urine sample, and I want to give you an ultra sound.” I nodded and squeezed Cooper’s hand. He rubbed my hand as the doctor took the blood work. I squeezed it and whimpered.  “Okay all I need is the urine sample then we can get the ultra sound.” I nodded as Cooper helped me up and walked with me to the bathroom.

“Are you going to be okay baby?” He asked as I had to stop walking because of the sharp pain again. I nodded.

“All I have to do is pee in a cup.” I smiled lightly. He looked down and sighed.

“Okay but call if you need anything.” He said kissing me. “I will be right outside the door if you need anything okay.” I nodded. I walked into the bathroom and peed into the cup, I have to say it hurt like a bitch, but I got it. I gave it to the nurse and Cooper helped me back to the room. Cooper lifted me onto the table and smiled.  Kirsty was sitting on the chair reading my book. “So what is the little bugger?” Cooper said putting his hand on Kirsty’s belly. Little Logan moved making her smile.

“We are having a little boy.” She smiled. “We are going to name him Logan.” She smiled. He smiled back at her.

“My future nephew.” He smiled. I smiled at him.

“My little Logan, your future nephew.” I giggled then stopped short and groaned. Cooper came and kissed my head. The same tech came in the room that took Kirsty’s ultra sound came in pushing the machine.

“Now let’s see what is going on.” She said pushing the machine next to me.

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