Chapter 45: My still Gorgeous Wife

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She stood there in a nice skirt and a fancy coat. “Oh god, it is you.” She gasped. All the thoughts of sleep gone as anger started to boil up again.

 “What are you doing here?” I snapped slightly at her.

“I had a client, well an old friend really, her husband, is here and sick so I came here.” She said playing with the pad in her hands.

“Um I’m going.” I said turning around and started to walk out. I heard her heels clicking as she ran after me grabbing my arm and spinning me around. “What do you want?” I snapped angrily. She looked taken back at me. I was tired, I was in pain, and all I want to do was go home and sleep.

“I just wanted to know if maybe you wanted to catch up. You know on life.” She said running her perfect nails trailing them to my bandages.

“No, you left, you can deal with it.” I said ripping my hands out of her grip.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, or Connor and Jesse.” She begged stepping closer.

“Well you did, now leave me the hell alone.” I snapped walking out to the parked truck. Mom looked at Poppy.

“What did I do?” She asked running a hand through her hair.

“How about you guess, because if you don’t know what you did then you need help.” He started to walk out before he turned around. “I did always think you were a cold hearted bitch.” He ran out to get in the car. He started the car and started to drive home. He shot glances at me every couple of minutes. “Talk to me baby.” He said turning on a road.

“I can’t let her back in, to any one, I can’t let them get hurt.” I felt the tears as I thought of it. “I can’t letLoganfeel the pain. He isn’t going to live like me.” I rubbed my eyes on the back of my bandaged hands.

“Baby that will never happen to Logan. I know the 3 of you could never letLoganfeel the pain you did.  Plus give Kirsty some credit; she isn’t anything like your mother.” He smiled turning off the truck as we pulled up to the house.

“Kirsty doesn’t seem like the person to ditch the family type.” I nod opening the door with little discomfort. Poppy walked around and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“You three are closer than any marine I have ever seen. All you have to do is teach your kids that and your world will go round again.” He smiled opening the door to a silent house, well other than snores and the TV in the living room. I didn’t say anything but walk in to the living room to see Grammy holding Logan who was fussing around.

“Hey Grammy.” I smiled making her get up and give me an awkward hug since she was holdingLogan.

“What did they say?” She asked.

“I got about 28 stitches. They are wrapped.” I held up my hands. “I need to get them out in a week.” I said takingLoganfrom her making him stop fussing and quiet down.  I was going to tell her about Mom because I’m sure Grammy would go find her and

“I’m happy you’re okay Baby. Now off to bed, you have a wedding in the morning and you my lady look like you are ready to drop.” She smiled takingLoganand pushing me toward my room. I flicked the switch to turn on my fan as I took off my hoodie. I slipped painfully into a shirt of Cooper’s and a pair of shorts before climbing into bed. The pain med was going away so I could fell the pain now. My room was room just as I liked it but my hands were on fire. I laid there till I heard footsteps and my door creek open.

“You still awake?” I heard Poppy whisper. I look over turning on my comfy bed.

“Yeah.” I sighed as he walked in turning on my lamp.

“Here, so you can sleep.” He handed me two Advil pm and a bottle of water. I galloped down the pills and the cold water with a sigh. “I also thought you would want this.” He put the ice packs on my hands making me sink back in the bed in comfort. He snuggled up with me and stroked my hair.

“What do you want to ask Poppy?” I asked rubbing the ice packs together.

“Do you want to tell your Dad and Grandma or shall I?” He asked looking down at me. I looked up not knowing how to answer it.

“How about I’ll take your son and you take your wife. I rather the marine, because Grammy raised a marine one and help raise two so you can take her. It will take all your Marine training and put it on the line. Are you up for this challenge?” I smiled.

“I think I might, because you know-” I cut him off.

“A marine never backs down. I know Grandpa.” I laughed closing my eyes as the drugs started to take effect.

“Good Night Baby Girl.” He whispered kissing my head. He turned the lamp off and closed the door behind him. He walked to his room with Grammy and pulled his t-shirt and jeans off putting on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. He crawled in to bed next to a reading Grammy.

“You’re not going back to the guys?” She asked looking over at him from over her reading glasses.

“No for 4 reasons, 1.) I love my girls more than those boys but don’t tell them that, 2.) I’m tired and don’t feel like driving. 3.) I want to cuddle up to my still gorgeous wife, and lastly 4.) I’m not drunk and I won’t fit in.” He smiled cuddling Grandma kissing her. She looked over at him and smiled.

“Oh really and it’s not because you have to tell me something?” She asked. He raised his eyebrows. “Tommy I know you to well. I also heard you talking to Grace, so spill.”  He sighed.

“We ran into her at the hospital after she was all bandaged and stitched.” Grammy looked over with a deep frown.

“The her as in the bitch who broke my son’s heart?” She asked curling her hands into fists.

“Yeah that her, but Grace told her off don’t worry.”  He smiled turning her lamp off and cuddling her to his still solid broad chest.

“Oh she is not coming back in and hurting my kids, not again, not ever.” She sighed closing her eyes. “And she is not coming nearLogan.” She started to slip into a deep sleep in her husband’s arms.

“Don’t worry, that will never happen?” He whispered. But one thought played on his mind.

Or could it?

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