Chapter 26: Auntie's Here

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I help her off the toilet and help her pull up her pants. “It will be okay Kirsty don’t worry.” I comfort her. “Jesse! Cooper! Dad! Connor! Uncle Charlie! Anyone and Everyone!” Everyone came running over to see me holding Kirsty.

“What happened?” Jesse asked helping me.

“My water just broke. Jesse Logan is coming early.” She held her stomach and as contraction went through her stomach.

“We have to get her to the hospital.” Dad said helping Jesse get Kirsty in the car. He got in the driver’s seat as Jesse slid in next to her holding her hand.

“It’s okay babe.” He said. I got in the passenger seat as Cooper got in my truck. We sped off to the hospital in just enough time. I ran into the hospital to get the nurse.

“Hello sweetheart how can I help you?” She smiled.

“My best friend is having a baby, she needs a wheel chair.” I said. She called another nurse to get a wheel chair. Dad came in carrying in Kirsty.

“Let’s get her to labor and delivery.” The nurse said. They had Dad set her in the wheel Chair as Cooper came in. He rubbed my shoulder and smiled.

“Here we go, Little Logan wanted to come early.” He smiled kissing me as we walked up to the room they are putting Kirsty. We walked in as they hooked her up to a baby heart monitor. I smiled as I saw it. The little heart beat and heard Kirsty groan.

“He is being an annoying little bugger.” She hissed angrily.

“It’s okay Baby. I promise.” Jesse sighed kissing her head. Her doctor came in and smiled at her.

“Hello Kirsty, I heard little Logan wants to come out to play a little early. Let’s have a check to see when.” Kirsty lifted her legs and let the doctor check her. The doctor checked them pulled her hand out from under the blanket.

“How far is she Doc?” I asked from my seat on Cooper’s lap.

“She looks about 5 centimeters dilated. We can get you some pain meds if you want.” Kirsty nodded quickly and groaned as another contraction came through. “When did your water brake?”

“About 30 minutes ago.” She said as another nurse came in with the needle. They gave her an epidural. I was lying on Cooper now fighting to keep my eyes open. He was rubbing my back gently as he talked to Jesse. I was slowly falling asleep. The next time I woke up the doctor was in the room and was checking Kirsty again.

“Well it looks like you’re ready to have the baby Kirsty.” She smiled as I sat up off a sleeping Cooper. I rubbed my eyes and it was about 3 o’clock in the morning. I looked over at Jesse to see him pale white as Dad rubbed his shoulder whispering to him. Nurses came in the room and got her ready.

“Grace can you hold one of my legs?” She asked. I nodded and shook Cooper awake. He groaned and opened his eyes.

“What Baby?” He groaned covering his eyes.

“Kirsty is ready to push. Get up.” I smiled looking back at her. He looked over wide eyed. I got up and held her leg as Jesse stood by her head and stroked her sweaty forehead. Dad grabbed her other leg and held it.  Cooper sat on the chair watching her wide eyes.

“Okay Kirsty push.” The doctor said. She pushed as hard as she could and let out a scream.

“Come on Kirsty you can do it.” I said helping her. Jesse nodded and wiped her forehead.

“Okay, push again Kirsty.” She said. “1 push, 2 push, and 3 push.” She pushed again causing her to scream again. “Okay he’s crowning Kirsty, only a couple more pushes. “ The doctor said. I looked over and sure enough Logan’s head.

“He’s almost here Kirsty. Come on I can see his head.” I smiled looking at her.

“Okay Kirsty push!” She pushed out his shoulders. “One more push Kirsty and your little boy is here.”  She said.

“Come on Kirsty, come on one more push Kirsty one last push.” I smiled at her. Jesse walked to look at it.

“One last push Baby, I love you.” He smiled at her. She gave one last push and baby Logan was born.

“It’s a boy!” The doctor said. She sucked out the liquid out of his nose and mouth. His cry pieced the air the air as he screamed bloody murder.  She laid him on Kirsty now smaller belly and rubbed him dry. “Jesse do you want to cut the cord?” She asked him. He nodded and took the scissors and cut the cord for Logan. They took Logan over to get weighed as I fallowed with my camera.  He lay on the scale screaming.

“Hey Buddy it’s okay, Auntie is here.” I said taking a picture of him as he looked over with his green eyes. I let him grab my finger as he got measured. He wrapped his little fingers around it as he moved his arms.

“Looks like he knows who you are.” A nurse said getting him in a diaper. I stroked the back of his little hand. They took him and put him in a blanket and gave him to Kirsty as she fought to stay awake. Jesse sat next to her stroking her hair.

“You did great Baby.” He said kissing her head. She smiled as the nurse gave her Logan. She looked down at him and smiled. She looked at Jesse.

“He looks like you so much.” She smiled at him. He looked down at him son and ran a hand over his little hand.

“He does.” He smiled. I sat down of Cooper’s lap and took a picture of him. Kirsty looked up at us with tired eyes.

“You want to hold him?” She asked. I nodded and sat back into Cooper. Jesse handed me the little bundle of joy.

“Hey Little Logan, it’s me Auntie Gracie again. I love you little guy.” I smiled stroking his little red hand that was sticking out of the blanket.

“Hey Buddy; I’m your Uncle Cooper.” He said letting Logan grab his index finger. His little fingers didn’t even go all the way around it. I smiled as he looks at me with his big green eyes.

“Hey Guys we have a question to ask you.”………..

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