Ending Note

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(A/N) I just want to say thank you everyone so much who has taken the time to read my little fanfiction! Especially those of you who commented and voted! That really means a lot. :)

I started this story June 8, 2013 and looking back on the first few chapters then reading the last few I can see my writing has improved through out the story.

If you can't tell, I started this story with the plan of going in a different direction. Originally it was gonna be more like a real life thing and their experiences through out their year at the university, but then I decided it need some action. This is a SSBB fanfic for hell sakes! So then I added the whole war thing.

I honestly don't think this story is my best work, especially the first like half, but I'm still somewhat proud of it all the same. It's kind of sad that it's already over. :( I had a fun time writing this, especially interacting with you guys! :)

Thank you again for everything you guys have done for me. I literally love you guys so much! Don't be afraid to write messages on my message board or inbox me! In fact, I'd really like it if you did. :)

xo, Zelda <3

This story was finished June 5, 2014. Almost a year later!

Editing was finished June 7, 2014. :)

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