Chapter Six: Amusement Park Fun

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(A/N) Thanks for reading and enjoy!

     "I'm concerned for Zelda." Ike said. The group of friends were sitting in a circle on the grass in the courtyard. All except Zelda.

     It was Sunday afternoon. Zelda was in the dorm probably still in bed. She had stayed there all Saturday too. Of course her friends brought her food and visited her, yet she was still traumatized and kinda glum. Nobody blamed her of course, they just selfishly wanted their Zelda back. 

     Everyone nodded solemly in agreement. "We can't blame her for the way she's acting." Samus said. "Of course not." Link piped in. "It may be selfish, but I want her to come hangout with us and be happy." Peach said. Everyone murmured some agreements. 

     "Hey! I have an idea!!" Roy exclaimed. His face lighting up. "WHAT?!" They all asked eagerly in unison. "Since we have tomorrow off, we should all go to the amusement park. The one fifteen minutes away." Roy said with a sparkle in his eye. "ALL of us. Meaning Zelda too." He added quickly. 

     Everyone pondered this. "How will we ever convince Zel to come?" Marth wondered aloud. "Hmm...that could be a problem." Link agreed. "Don't worry. Peach can convince her." Roy said triumphantly. "Me?" Peach asked surprised. "Yes. You!" Samus said after a pause. Her face lighting up with realization. "What? Why?" Peach asked confused. "Because you're her dorm mate." Samus said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

     "Yeah!" Everyone agreed. Peach sighed dramatically, "Fine."

     Later that night Peach entered the dorm. Zelda was laying in her bed reading. Her hair was damp and she was in her night gown. Probably just got out of the shower. "Hey Zel." Peach said with a smile. "Hi." Zelda mumbled quietly. Peach began to change into her p.js. 

     " do you feel about a little fun tomorrow?" Peach asked hesitantly. "Fun?" Zelda asked looking up from her book. "You see...since we have tomorrow off...we, being our friends and I, were thinking we could go to that amusement park. You included." Peach said cautiously. Zelda stared at her for a long time. "Please?!" Peach begged. Zelda didn't answer, instead she looked away. "For me? For Samus? For Link...?" Peach persisted desperately. At Link's name, Zelda turned and looked at Peach. 

     She let out a sigh. "Fine." She said. "Yay!!!" Peach exclaimed jumping up and down. She climbed into her bed. "We better get some sleep. Don't want to be ornery tomorrow!" Peach said happily as she turned off her lamp. "Night." She said before rolling over. Reluctantly, Zelda put down her book and turned off her own lamp. What had she gotten herself into? 

-----THE NEXT DAY-----

     "Wake up!" Zelda woke up to Peach looming over her. "C'mon! You got to start getting ready!!" Peach exclaimed pulling off Zelda's covers. It took her a few minutes, but finally Zelda was up and moving. 

     She pulled her hair into a pony tail, dressed in casual shorts and a loose tank top, socks, converse, and did light makeup. Some concealer, mascara, and neutral eye shadow. She grabbed a bag, threw in some money and her phone and they were ready to go. 

     They went into the lobby to find the rest of their friends already waiting. Zelda was greeted with hugs and happy, genuine, smiles. It made her feel a bit better. They once again took two cars. Boys in one and girls in the other. 

     Once they arrived, they went to the front and bought tickets. They all entered through the gates getting their tickets scanned. 

     The boys immediately were already planning the order of the rides. Soon enough, they were riding coaster after coaster, spinning rides, you name it. Zelda actually was having a pretty good time. 

     They were now in line for Extremer Screamer. "Okay so, I'll ride with Peach, Samus and Marth, Link and Zelda, and Ike you'll be alone this time." Roy said. Everyone agreed. 

     "Nervous?" Link asked. Zelda put a hand up to sheild her eyes from the sun and looked over the roller coaster. "Sorta. I guess." She said after a minute. Link chuckled. "It'll be fun." He said. "Yeah. I'm sure it will." She agreed. 

     It was time to board the ride. Everyone did and talked excitedly to one another. The coaster started to go up the first hill. "Ready?" Link asked as they almost reached the peak. Zelda nodded. The front of the coaster went forwards and swoosh they were speeding down. Zelda screamed and grabbed Link's hand. He looked at her and started to laugh. She let go blushing. "No. It's okay." He shouted over the loud noise. He grabbed Zelda's hand again. She only screamed a little the rest of the ride. Mostly she laughed along with Link though. 

     They were in the back, so they got off close to last. By the time they got out the exit, they had lost their friends.

     "I guess we wait here. They'll probably come back when they realized we are gone." Zelda reasoned sitting on a bench. "Yeah." Link agreed and he sat next to her. 

     "Listen..." He said after an awkward silence. "Yeah?" Zelda asked. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you." He continued slowly. Zelda looked at him, willing him to continue. "I I know that I...." He struggled to find the words. "What is it?" Zelda asked giving him a puzzled look. He took a deep breath. "Will you go out with me?" He asked quickly. Zelda took a minute to process what he said. She smiled. "YES!!" She exclaimed hugging him. He smiled with relief and hugged her back. 

     "How cute." A voice said. They separated to look up only to see DL. Link put his arms protectively around Zelda. "What are you doing here?" He asked coldly. "I may be banned from the university, but that doesn't mean I'm banned everywhere." DL said with a grin. "Zelda ought to put a restraining order on you." Link said bitterly. DL chuckled.

     "Stop DL. Just leave." Zelda ordered, yet you could see the desperation in her eyes. DL laughed again. "You heard her." A voice said. Everyone turned to see Pit. "Pit?" Zelda asked. "What are you doing here?"

     "DL told me to come here to help him...again, but I've had enough. DL, you're cruel. You even had me being cruel for a while. You have to leave the poor girl alone." Pit explained firmly. "Pit, Pit, Pit. You don't know what you're saying." DL said calmly. "Yes I do. I'm not doing anything else bad...Lady Palutena would freak..." He said the last part very quietly. "You're just a goodie good loser. I don't need your help." DL teased. "There's a difference between a 'goodie good' and doing the right thing." Pit said between clenched teeth. By now Link stood by Pit's side. "Go." Link ordered sternly. 

     DL chuckled lightly. "I'll be back later." He said as he walked off. They watched him go. 

     Pit turned to Zelda. "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened with DL. I'm so sorry I helped him...I wish I never did that." Pit apologized putting his head in his hands and sitting down roughly. "I forgive you." Zelda said with a small smile. Pit looked up. "Really?" He asked. "Really." She agreed. "Thanks so much!!" He said happily. "You know you want to hang with us? We could use the even number." Link said. "Okay!!" Pit agreed happily. 

     Right then their friends walked up. "Did we miss something?" Roy asked confused.

 (A/N) Sorry guys! I'm going to have to end the chapter right here. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote, comment, and follow me. Those things are muchly appreciated. I love all you readers so much!!! Thanks again for reading! :)


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