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    It had been exactly one week since Tabuu's death. There were many injured and many deaths. Our favorite characters luckily survived.

     It only took a few days for them to recover. The worst injury was Pit's broken wing, other than that it was mostly bruises, a few concussions, and even some sprains. 

     Mainly they just needed rest and nuturing food to replenish their energy, as well as a few bandages and pain killers. 

    Today, they were to be specially honored at Hyrule Castle along with the recruits. If it weren't for their deed, the world might be a much different place by now. 

     "We did it." Ike beamed looking at his friends. "Yes, yes we did." Link agreed proudly. 

     The group looked at each other with goofy grins plastered on their faces. Roy and Peach were holding hands and so were Nyssa and Pit. Even Samus and Marth stood extra close. 

     They stood outside, waiting to make their grand entrance in the hall full of people. The courtyard was peaceful. The sky clear and blue with a few lazy white clouds in the sky. Birds chirped, bees buzzed, and butterflies fluttered from bush to bush. 

      Everything was calm and cheerful. Nothing could pull them from their joyous mood. 

     The large doors opened. Zelda walked out, dressed in a beautiful gown. It was her signature royal dress. Purple down to the waist, then a creamy white with gold accents. Long white gloves, golden shoulder plates, and a beautiful tiara on the top of her head. Peach wore her pink royal dress as well, along with her tiara. The others were dressed nicely. The men wore suits and the women wore dresses.

     "We're ready for you." Zelda said smiling brightly at her best friends. They exchanged nervous, but excited glances before following Zelda inside. 

      A royal blue carpet crossed the long room until it reached the thrown which was elevated a few steps higher on a platform. To each side hundreds of pews were set up filled with even more people. Zelda's father, the king of Hyrule, stood by his thrown waiting. 

     The crowd burst into cheers and applause as the group made their way down the carpet. All of them were smiling. Roy blew out a few kisses, recieving a nudge from Ike. Peach showed off her royal wave. 

     Once they reached the top of the platform they turned to face the audience. "I'd like to present" The King annonced. He paused, waiting for everyone to quiet down. "Our saviors!" He continued. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers once again. 

     The recruits stood in a row in front of them. They played a big part in this. If it weren't for them, this ceremony wouldn't even be taking place. The world would probably be a dark place, half taken over, and half in war.

     Instead, the world was at peace with heroes standing on top of a platform overlooking an ecstatic audience. A man rolled in a cart from off to the side. On top neatly lay medals for Hyrule's selfless warriors. The world's saviors. 

      One by one, they were called up to recieve their medals. The crowd remained silent. "Prince Marth of Altea." Marth walked over to the cart and bowed his head slightly. "Thank you for your courage and service." The medal was then placed over his head and onto his neck. 

      He returned to his orignal position in the line. "Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom." Peach followed the same steps as Marth. "Thank you for your courage and service." She was awarded with her medal, then returned to her place. 

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