Chapter Twenty-Two: Motive

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(A/N) Hey guys! Enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading!! :)

     Our heros were ready for the approaching foes. Pit took on Meta Knight, Nyssa went for King Dedede, Marth against Wario, Ike vs Bowser, Samus against Snake, Link and Zelda faced Ganondorf, and Roy started to drag DL away. 

     Roy could easily kill DL right then and there, but DL didn't deserve to get off so easily. DL deserved to spend a miserable life time in prison and that's just where Roy was taking him. 

     Suddenly he heard Samus scream. He whipped around with DL still in his arms only to see her lying on the ground. Without a second of hesitation, he knocked DL out with the handle of his sword and ran to Samus's rescue. He managed to block Snake's blow just before it landed on the defenseless girl. 

     Snake smiled slightly. He swung his dagger again, this time at Roy. The blow was easily blocked by Roy's sword. Snake was smart and he had some skill, but then again, so did Roy. Each blow was blocked by the other until Snake made a bold move. He kicked Roy's hand causing his sword to go flying elsewhere. Roy barely had time to process what just happened and duck Snake's next swing. 

     While Roy was near Snake's feet, he grabbed his ankles making him fall. Roy quickly stood and stepped on Snake's arm so he couldn't use his dagger, but Snake was smarter than that. With just the flick of his wrist, he sent the dagger hurtling towards Roy's chest. Roy quickly stepped to the side, but the dagger still lightly skimmed his stomach. 

     In seconds Snake was once again on his feet and his fist was colliding with Roy's jaw. He threw another punch, but this time Roy blocked it. Roy wasn't as experienced with hand to hand combat as he was with sword fighting, but still he landed a few good blows and blocked a few punches. Once again, Snake used his high kicking abilities to his advantage. One hard kick to the chest and Roy was suddenly on the ground. "Roy!" Samus yelled. He glanced over to see her holding his sword. She threw it to him. He caught it and looked up to see Snake pull another dagger from his utility belt and lunge for Roy. 

     Roy waited a few seconds before swiftly rolling to the side and hopping to his feet. Snake's dagger was stuck in the ground he had no time to react as Roy quickly brought his sword down into Snake's back. His body tensed up, then grew limp and fell from it's crouching position. Roy unlodged his sword then looked over to Samus who's eyes were very wide. "Help me toss his body over the bridge." He said calmly. Samus's eyes immediately looked up to Roy. "What?!" 

     "We both know how smart Snake is. For all we know, he isn't even dead. It's just a precaution." Roy explained. Samus nodded slowly then walked over to help Roy. They lifted Snake's body over the ledge that ran along both sides of the bridge. They watched as his body appeared smaller and smaller before disappearing completely. "Let's see if we can help the others." Samus suggested. Roy nodded in agreement completely forgetting about the unconcious hostage he left behind. 

     At first Pit had used his bow, but the arrows seemed to have no effect against Meta Knight's armor. So, he split his bow in two creating two daggers. Meta Knight had a sword of his own, leading up to the sword duel they were now in. Sadly, neither seemed to beable to land a blow. Pit was desperate for this fight to be over. He wanted to see how Nyssa was doing in her battle with King Dedede. He wanted to make sure she was okay. He needed to help her. 

     He shook his head lightly to clear his thoughts. He couldn't afford to be distracted in this fight. The two were practically evenly matched, if he lost concentration now, Meta Knight would likely win. This was taking too long. He needed to think outside the box. An idea sprouted in his mind. 

     He hit Meta Knight hard, causing him to stumble back. He then quickly took off into the sky. Meta Knight didn't have armor protecting his back, Pit knew that. Meta Knight was very quick and could turn around fairly fast, so this needed to he timed right. He put his daggers back together forming his bow. Quickly he shot Meta Knight's face, distracting him. He quickly flew to a better angle and shot a few quick arrows. One made it to Meta Knight's back, but it didn't make it very deep. 

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