Chapter Twenty: The Loss of a Princess

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(A/N)Thanks for reading! :)

     The groups met in the middle where the battle began. The dead creatures of the dark force weren't hard to defeat. A few blows from your weapon and they disappeared in a puff of dark purple smoke. Though, it seemed with every one slayed down, another two showed up. The group of light forces was immensely out numbered, but they continued to fight bravely.

     Link ran right for Dark Link. As soon as they reached each other they were immersed in a battle of their own. Their surroundings disappeared as they concentrated on blocking each other's blows.  They shared many of the same moves making landing a blow next to impossible. Both were to determined to care.

     Many of the students that volunteered seemed to recognize their own enemies and took them on immediately.

     The field was turned to chaos. The centurions showered the dark force with arrows from above and swooped down to take lives. Soldiers from both sides were killed as the battle continued. None of the volunteers had been killed, yet. 

     That is until..."NOOO!" An Italian voice called out. It belonged to the red brother, Mario. He yelled as his brother, Luigi, fell to the ground before him. A sword pierced in his chest. Mario killed the sword's owner immediately before falling to his knees by his brothers side. He pulled his brother into his lap. "Luigi! Stay with me!" He said frantically. Luigi managed a weak smile. "I'm sorry brother." He apologized. "No, no, no. Don't apologize. This isn't your fault." 

     Luigi smiled softly again. "Take care of yourself brother. I love you." A single tear fell from his eyes as he stared up at his brother. "I love you Luigi! I can't live without you! You're more than my brother or my partner, you're my best friend. I need you! I need you Luigi." Mario exclaimed sincerely as his own hot tears cascaded down his cheeks getting lost in his moustache. "I'll always be with you. Here." The dying brother weakly lifted his arm to pat Mario's chest just over his heart. His arm fell as the rest of his body went limp. His shallow breathing stopped. His eyes seemed to stare at the sky, but they were lifeless. Empty. 

     Mario set his brother on the ground gently. He kissed the tips of his fingers and touched them to Luigi's forehead. He stood up and looked at the on going battle. "FOR LUIGI!!!" He screamed as he ran into the battle slaying every evil being in his sight. 

     Just before this event, Peach had been riding through. Until her horse got shot with multiple arrows. She was able to jump off before the horse fell on top of her. As she was getting up, she saw the brothers only a few feet away. Luigi was clutched in Mario's arms. 

     She stood frozen. Observing the exchange of the brother's that had once risked their lives many times to save her. She gasped as a sharp pain exploded in her side. She looked down to see a dagger embedded in her. She looked up into the face of a bokoblin. The dagger's obvious owner. She felt weak and couldn't help, but fall to the ground. She looked over to where Mario and Luigi were. Luigi lay on the ground, now life less. Mario was gone. 

     Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Her head was spinning. Her side was full of such a deep pain that her eyes began to brim with tears. Just then, she thought she heard screaming. Though she didn't know. Everything was fuzzy. Suddenly Roy was looming over her. Time seemed to be brought back to normal pace as he picked her up into his arms. 

     "Peach." He said quietly. 

     "Roy." She croaked back. 

     "You're okay. You're going to be okay." He coaxed, though the panic was evident in his voice. He quickly, but gently pulled the dagger from her side. She winced in pain. He quickly untied the bandana from his head and tied it around her waist to help stop the bleeding. "See, you're going to be fine." He cooed again.

     "Roy...I...I think...." She interrupted. She was having a hard time talking. It was hard to breathe. 

     "You think what baby?" He asked patiently. 

    "I you." She said quietly. As realization hit her that this could be the end, the tears finally fell down her soft cheeks as she looked into the eyes of the man she loved. His expression held surprise and sadness.

     "Peach...I think, I think I love you too. You aren't like other girls Peach. I've had my way with quite a few and at first that's all it was about with you, but then I realized, it wasn't just about getting into your pants. I lived to see that beautiful smile portrayed on you perfect face. The sound of your laugh became my favorite sound. You were no longer just sexy, you became beautiful. The prettiest thing I had ever seen in my life. You still are Peach." He said. His eyes were glossy and sorrow was plain to see behind them. 

     "Roy," She said as the tears that streamed down her face became tears of joy. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. Th-Thank you." She managed to smile through the pain. One last smile for him. That was her last thoughts as she began to fade away. 

     The last thing she saw was a small smile from him as tears fell down his cheeks and he began to sob. Then it all went black. 

     Roy stared at the girl in his arms. Her eyes slowly closed. His head rested on her chest as he began to sob. He didn't care what people thought. He loved her. He really did. And now she was gone. How could she be gone. Then he heard something. He listened closer. It was her heart beat. It was very faint, but that was her heart beat!

     He stood up with her in his arms and began to run. He ran right past the enemies. Past his allies fighting with the foe. Around the dead bodies that littered the ground. He kept running until he reached the tents. 

     They had a few small tents set up near the castle where a few injured were taken in. The guards let him inside and he ran in. He laid her down on a cot and beckoned the doctor over. "She's still alive, but we're loosing her. You have to keep her alive. She's the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Do you understand how important it is to keep her alive!!" He practically yelled at the doctor. The doctor nodded sternly and walked away to get his supplies. 

     Roy didn't care that the man saw his tear stained face. Just as long as he kept his sweet Peach alive. He bent down and kissed her lips while the man's back was turned before he rushed out of the tent. Adrenaline and anger boiled his blood and fueled his energy as he ran back towards the battle taking place at full speed. 

     They had to win this war. He had to win it. For Peach. 

(A/N) How'd you guys like it? Sorry it's kinda short. Please vote, comment your opinions, and follow me! Thanks so much everyone! I love you guys!!! <3


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