Chapter Three: New Friends and New Enemies

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Zelda's P.O.V

    "Who you texting?" Peach asked from her bed glancing up from the magazine she was flipping through. "Link." I replied. "Oh. The cute boy." She said with a wink.

     I couldn't lie. I did find Link attractive. When we touched I felt a small spark. Maybe that's why I gave him my number. I mean, he was practically a stranger. I already had feelings developing for Link, I could feel it. I wanted to get to know this guy more.

     "Yeah. I guess." I said trying to hide my real feelings. "I would totally date that guy." Peach said happily. "Oh." I said slightly angry. Did Peach have to sleep with everyone. What if Link liked her? Why was I even jealous at the thought of that? Once again, I barely knew him. My emotions are so stupid sometimes. 

     "Don't worry Z, you can have him." She said reassuringly. I smiled a little. "Well, I'm going to bed. I recommend the same for you. Tomorrow is going to be a big day." She said yawning. "Yeah." I said. I texted Link that I was going to bed and goodnight. He replied goodnight as well. I turned off the lamp on the nightstand next to my bed and drifted off to sleep.


     *BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP...* I slammed my hand down on my alarm before it could finish the last beep before the short pause. I yawned and sat up rubbing my eyes. Peach was still sleeping soundly. I wonder what time she'd wake up. Classes started at nine, and it was six thirty. Looking at all that makeup, it would take her forever to get ready. I went into the bathroom and took a quick ten minute shower. I brushed out my hair. It would be dry in an hour, and it was naturally straight as a stick, so once it dryed I would probably just clip it back or something. 

     I dryed off and put on a clean pair of underwear and a bra. I then put on my fluffy bathrobe. I liked to do my makeup in it and stuff before I got dressed. Who knows why. I started to do my makeup. It took me about thirty minutes. I went all out because it was the first day of school. That's why I was up so early. I decided I'd curl my hair. 

     At seven, Peach's alarm went off. She walked into the bathroom and started to undress like I wasn't there. "Umm...Peach...?" I asked wondering if she was half asleep or something. "Yeah?" she asked sounding wide awake. "You're undressing while I'm in here?" I asked slowly. "Yep. We're both girls here. I don't care." She said getting into the shower and starting the water. Okaaay. I thought to myself. 

     I'll just continue getting ready I guess. I still had twenty minutes until my hair would be dry enough, so I went to my wardrobe to pick out something. I picked out a purple skirt, with a white blouse. I tucked in the blouse. I picked out some dangly earrings, a long necklace that went to the middle of my stomach, and silver flats. My hair was dry, and Peach was out of the shower in a pink fluffy bathrobe when I walked back in. She was doing her makeup. Something compicated.

     I took out the wand curler and plugged it in so it could start heating up. While I waited for it, I brushed through my hair again. Just to make sure no knots or snarls formed while it was drying. The wand curler let out a few beeps so I knew it was done. I started to curl my hair. I divided it into three layers to curl. The top two were clipped up while I curled the bottom. Then the top one was clipped while I did the second layer. Finally, I let down the top layer and started to curl it. 

     It took me an hour to finish the casual curls. I didn't do them too tight, otherwise I'd look like a clown or something. I took my bangs, and clipped them to the back with a fancy clip. I had to admit, I looked pretty. I took the half an hour I had to go downstairs and get breakfast. 

     There were a lot of students in the cafeteria area. I went to a cafe and got a frappuchino. At a restaurant stand I got some eggs, bacon, and sausage. I looked around for a table to sit at. I spotted Link and Ike. Of course with Ike were Marth and Roy. I walked over.

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