Chapter Nineteen: Let it Begin

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    Zelda paced. She was waiting for her friends to arrive. She'd just told her father about the new information. At first he didn't believe her, but after some convincing, he finally agreed to prepare their soldiers. Now, as she paced, Hyrule's soldiers were making last minute preparations. Many were posted outside Castle Town and Hyrule Castle. They hadn't made an announcement to the people just yet. Her father didn't want the people to panic over false information, though Zelda knew it was true. 

      Minutes passed, but it felt like hours. Finally, a servant approached her. "There's a large group of people that would like to see you outside." She said after she had bowed. "Lead me to them." Zelda responded. "Please." She added. "Of course My Lady." The servant said bowing once again and leading Zelda outside. 

     Link wasn't kidding. Dozens of soldiers she didn't recognize waited in cars. More people that she didn't recognize stepped out of cars. Then, Pit landed with a beautiful girl at his side. Many centurions landed behind them. Finally, she saw her friends. They piled out of a car. 

     Immediately she ran up to them engulfing them in hugs. She felt tears brim her eyes. "I can't believe you guys did all of this to protect me." She said addressing all of them. She couldn't help the smile on her face or the tears the slipped down her cheeks. 

      They all talked at once. Saying things like, "Of course we would!" "Don't be silly! What are friends for!" "Why wouldn't we?" "You're our friend." They returned small smiles before they all gathered in a large group hug. 

     When they all separated and Zelda collected herself, she made an announcement. "Thank you everyone that has selflessly come here to fight for me and my kingdom. If we can win this war, which I'm confident we can, Hyrule will be in your debt." She spoke loudly and confidentally, like a true leader. 

     The crowd cheered, though it was still tense. "Please, come inside where we will treat you to refreshments, rest, and a place to prepare." She said. The huge crowd followed her into the entry way of the castle. Of course it was gigantic. 

     Her father greeted everyone. "Hello! Thank you everyone for coming. It is nice to see such kind hearted people that are willing to risk their lives for others gather in my kingdom. In the dining hall, I've had refreshments set out, there are rooms for everyone to rest, and their are practice grounds just outside. Thank you again for coming." He bellowed, his voice echoing through the large, stone, room. 

     Servants were sent to lead people to their desired destinations and find them rooms to rest in. Only Link, Marth, Ike, Roy, Pit, Nyssa, Peach, Samus, and Malon remained. Zelda stood by their side as her father came to greet them. "I assume you are Zelda's friends that are responsible for all of this?" He asked. They nodded. "Thank you." He said simply. "It's our honor." Marth replied bowing. His friends caught on and did the same. 

     "I recognize that symbol." The king said pointing to the symbol on Marth's chest plate armor. Marth stood up straight. "Why, you're Prince Marth of Altea!" The king exclaimed in realization. Marth nodded. "My, the honors all mine." The king said bowing. "Thank you Your Majesty. These are some of my best knights, Roy and Ike. This is Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom. This is Samus Aran, she used to be in the galactic army, this is Pit, a noble knight to Lady Palutena and his girlfriend Nyssa. Here we have Link, he's a skilled fighter and basically organized this alliance to come here, and this is Malon. She's the one who informed us about the army Hyrule will face." Marth introduced the group. 

     The king looked slightly bewildered. He then looked at Zelda who gave him a small smile. "I didn't realize that you had so many important and powerful friends Zel." He said quietly. She just nodded. "Welcome to Hyrule! Right this way." He finally said putting on a huge grin and leading the group into the dining hall. 

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