Chapter Eight: Thanks Giving is Around the Corner

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(A/N) Thanks for reading! :)

     Ever since they agreed to stick together, the large group had been hanging out a lot. They spent their lunch and breaks together. All of them. At lunch they all squeezed onto one table. It was difficult, but worked. We are talking about Ike, Roy, Marth, Link, Pit, Zelda, Peach, Samus, Malon, and Midna all on one table. That's ten teenagers or young adults on one table. What a squeeze.

     Anyways, the point is that they all stuck together like they said. Sure it took some time to completely accept and get used to Midna and Malon, but it happened. 

     Now, Thanks Giving Break is around the corner. They would get Wednesday, Thursday (Thanks Giving), Friday, and the weekend off for Thanks Giving break. Now we find our characters in their usual spot of the courtyard discussing their plans...

     "Roy, I want you to come home with me and meet my parents for Thanks Giving." Peach said. "Okay." Roy agreed. "What!" Ike exclaimed. "Roy, what about our plans?" He asked betrayed. "Sorry bro. You still have Marth." Roy reasoned. "Yeah, but..." Ike started. "But what? What's wrong with hanging with me?" Marth asked. "Nothing." Ike said quickly. Marth gave him a suspicious look. In return Ike gave him a big smile. "Mmm. I can't wait to eat Lady Palutena's cooking again. So delicious." Pit said dreamily closing his eyes. "I am quite excited to see father again." Zelda agreed. "And it will be good to eat something other than the University's food." 

     "The thing about Thanks Giving, is I make the food." Malon said. "Same. Sometimes I just get take out." Samus said nodding her head. "You can come spend Thanks Giving with us!" Peach said cheerfully putting an arm around Roy. "No thanks. I don't want to be your third wheel." Samus refused. "You could have it at my place with Ike and I..." Marth said quietly. Samus looked at him. He blushed and looked away. She blushed too. "Yeah...sure. Thanks." She said. "No problem." Marth said still looking at the ground. "Oh boy." Ike sighed watching the two. 

     "What about you Link?" Zelda asked looking into his eyes. He had been quiet the whole time. "Ooh! You can come over!" Malon offered quickly. "Yeah, sure." Link agreed. "Cheer up sugar! I can make one mean turkey and the best potatoes you have ever tasted!" Malon said excitedly. Zelda's heart fell slightly. 

     "I can't wait for the chicken!" Ike exclaimed happily. "Chicken?" Zelda asked. "Yeah? At Thanks Giving you eat turkey." Pit said confused. "Yeah, but I love chicken. Thanks Giving is about being grateful. I'd be really grateful with some chicken." Ike said dreamily. Everyone started to laugh. "What?" He asked confused. "Oh. It's nothing." Roy said after he caught his breath. "What are you most excited about, Midna?" Samus asked. Midna had been silent the whole time. "It'll be good to go back home again and see everybody." Midna said nodding. 

     "Just one more day and we're out of here." Peach thought aloud. Everyone nodded in agreement. There were a few short minutes of silence while people fantasized their Thanks Givings. "Well." Peach said getting up. "I'm going to go start packing. I have a lot to pack and I don't want to have to do it all tomorrow." 

     "Yes. And I know that for a fact." Zelda said with a small smile. "We'll come with." Samus said standing up. Zelda stood as well. "Bye." Peach said giving Roy a quick peck on the lips. "See ya." He said. as she walked off. 

     "I'll talk to you later." Zelda said to Link hugging him quickly. "Okay." He said into her hair. They separated and she walked off to follow Peach and Samus. 

     "Maybe we should pack as well, Malon. You know how us girls can be." Midna suggested. "Nah. I can pack in two hours tops." She said. "Okay. Well I'm going to go just pack some of my things." Midna said standing up and walking away. "Okay." Malon called after her. This would probably be one of her only chances to be with Link without Zelda being there, wait she had Thanks Giving. The thought made her smile.

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