Chapter Nine: Skyworld

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(A/N) Thanks for reading! :)

     Finally, Pit could see his home in the distance. Skyworld. He couldn't wait to see Lady Palutena and everyone else. Especially Nyssa. He blushed just thinking about his beautiful girlfriend. "Excited to be back?" His friend yelled over the wind. "Yeah." Pit yelled back. 

     They reached Skyworld and landed. "PIT!!" A sweet voice called. Pit looked around and spotted a figure approaching him. He dropped the bags he was carrying and started to run towards her. "NYSSA!" He called. When they reached each other she jumped in his arms wrapping her legs and arms around him in a big bear hug. "I missed you so much." She whispered in his ear. "I missed you too." He sighed contently. She got out of his arms. "Let's get you unpacked so we can hangout!" She said cheerfully grabbing his hand and taking him back to where he dropped his bags. She grabbed one and he grabbed the rest. His friend was still just standing there holding the boxes. 

     They took them to Pit's small house. (A/N) Sorry if this is wrong. I don't know where Pit lives exactly. I've never played a Kid Icarus game before, so in this story we'll just say he has his own house. Okay? Hehe. After his friend dropped off the boxes, he left. Nyssa helped Pit unpack. "You know, I really wanted to come pick you up, but Mr. Bossy Pants wouldn't let me." Nyssa said jokingly with a laugh. Pit chuckled. "As long as I get to see you now." He said sweetly. It was the truth. He had really missed Nyssa. She smiled. That beautiful smile Pit was in love with. Her laurel crown stood out against her shiny black hair. She wore an outfit much like Pit's, but in a more girl version. 

     "Do you want to get something to eat?" She asked. "Yeah." Pit agreed. It would be good to have Skyworld food again. "C'mon." She said grabbing his hand with a cheerful smile. They walked to their favorite cafe. The one they had met at. They got a table for two on the outside. Pit inhaled the scent of freshly baked treats. They ordered tea and biscuits. Pit held Nyssa's hand across the table. 

     "Thank you." She said to the waitor who had brought their tea and biscuits. "Yeah. Thanks." Pit said. The waitor just nodded and left. "I bet you want to see Lady Palutena after this." Nyssa said grabbing a biscuit with her free hand and dipping it in her tea before taking a bite. "Yeah. I would like to see her at some point, but I want to spend some time with you first." He said with a smile. Nyssa blushed a little. "Good because I want to spend as much time with you before you have to leave again." She said squeezing his hand. He squeezed back and smiled. 

     They finished their tea and biscuits. Pit told Nyssa everything. Even about what he did to Zelda because of DL. As he retold the story, he looked at his feet ashamed. When he had glanced up to see Nyssa's reaction, she had a kind smile. "I don't blame you Pit. People make mistakes." She had told him reassuringly. Maybe that's why he loved Nyssa so much. Not only was she smart and beautiful, she was the kindest person Pit had ever met. Everyone was kind around here, they were all angels, but Nyssa was different. She was some how purer and sweeter than the rest. Pit admired her for that. He felt like the luckiest man when he was with Nyssa. He probably was. 

     When they were done, Pit left a tip and they headed to Nyssa's house. They plopped on the couch and decided on a movie to watch. Nyssa rested her head on Pit's shoulder and he had his arm around her to hold her close. Their wings overlapped a little, but they weren't uncomfortable. 

     Once the movie was over, they played games. "I'm going to win this time." Pit said in a mock competitive voice. "You're on!" Nyssa giggled. They were playing a board game. 

     "What?!" Pit yelled when Nyssa won yet again. He looked up at her. "You have five seconds to run." She stood up and ran out of the room giggling the whole way. She ran up the stairs and  into her room where she decided to hide in her closet. She quickly shut the door behind her. She put a random scarf in her mouth to stop herself from laughing. 

     She heard Pit's footsteps on the stairs. "Nyssa." He called. She heard him searching the other rooms then he came into her's. "Oh Nyssa." He called again. "Gotch-ya!" He called, but he hadn't opened the closet door. He must've looked under the bed. "Okay." He said walking up to the closet. Nyssa could see his shadow under the door. "Now I have ya!" He called throwing the door open. She dropped the scarf from her mouth and ran past him. "Never!!" She called as she ran out. She could feel Pit close behind her. He tackled her on the couch and started to tickle her. She couldn't stop laughing. "This is my revenge!" He said teasingly. "I. Can't. Breath." She said in between giggles. He stopped and got off of her. She continued to laugh before she got up. "Now you'll think twice about winning huh?" He asked jokingly. "Nope. I will still kick your butt." She said with a big grin. "That's probably true." He agreed with a laugh. 

     The two continued to laugh. Pit was happy to be home.

(A/N) So? What did you guys think? Sorry it was kinda short. By the way, Nyssa isn't my character. She is my friend @blazewriter's character. So I give her credit. Thanks for reading! Please comment, vote, and follow me! I follow back. Thanks again!


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