Chapter 51- Falling For A Thug

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**Someone asked for a picture of Blaze's truck, so there it is**

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever.


(His POV from the wedding night)

After pacing back and forth in my hotel suite for over thirty minutes contemplating on if I should ask Monique to come up or not, I finally decided to text her.

Within five minutes I heard a light knock at the door and I knew it was her.


I walked to the door and opened it to see she was standing there looking as nervous as I felt. I kept my face straight so she couldn't tell, but her face told it all.

Her eyes traveled from my chest to my eyes and I nodded in acknowledgement before opening the door to allow her inside. I headed straight towards the couch and waited for her so we could get this talk out of the way. I'm not too sure what to expect out of it, but I'm hoping that we'll at least come to an understanding.

"Ask me whatever it is you want," I told her leaning back and folding my arms across my chest. She surprised me by asking how I was, and I told her that I was alright.

But I wasn't alright, and I hadn't been for a while.

"Are you still upset with me?" she asked quietly so I explained my reasoning to her.

Some may think I was just overreacting and that it wasn't even that big of a deal, but to me it was. I've been lied to by the people I love all my life, so when she told me in the beginning we would always be honest to each other I was looking forward to it. When she was honest with me it meant a lot, because I felt like everyone else could lie to me and I wouldn't care. But Monique? I needed her to be honest with me, I craved that.

I'm not too sure how she expected me to act after finding out that her and Chad shared a kiss.

Finding out that one of my fucking bestfriends and the love of my life kissed behind my back hurt me to the core. I felt so damn betrayed that shit ain't even funny.

Of course I wasn't going to cry, so I acted on the other emotion that I was feeling.


Maybe I shouldn't of shot Chad, but things wouldn't of had to end up that way if she would've just told me from the beginning.

Just the image of his lips against hers is enough to make me go ballistic.

But all of that is in the past now. I've let it go and I'm willing to move on. I've changed so much and I can only hope that she's noticed.

I forgave her the second I saw her tears but I didn't give because even though I forgave her, it didn't mean I could forget the shit.

I knew that in order for me to be able to have a conversation with her correctly, I had to forgive Chad first.

And let me just tell you this, that shit has to be the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

It was not easy at all, but I let him off with a warning because I'm forever in debt to him because he helped me get Monique back when Travis took her. I could never thank him enough.

So even though I wanted to kill him, I didn't.

I just gave him one bullet instead.

Or was it two?

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