40- Falling For A Thug

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I've been stabbed in the back by those I needed most. I've been lied to by those I love. And I have felt alone when I couldn't afford to be. But at the end of the day I had to learn to be my own best friend because there's going to be days where no one is going to be there for me but myself.


Fucking pissed is what I am right now. One of my workers just called me to let me know that another worker has been stealing from me. I was already on my way to the main trap anyway for a meeting, but when I got that call I drove just a little bit faster because I wanted to see what dumb ass there stole from me.

I wouldn't say I'm a mean person, but at the same time I wouldn't say that I'm a nice person either. I can't be nice, because if I were then these niggas wouldn't take me serious. They would take me as some fucking joke to play with, so I have to let them know who's boss.

I'm the youngest nigga in the game, and I'm also the biggest nigga in the game. I'm fucking 23 years old with my own damn empire. How many can say that?

My dad started this shit when he was young, and it's just been growing ever since. When I turned 16, I took over since he was behind bars and couldn't do it himself. A lot of people underestimated me and didn't think I could do it, but look at this shit now.

The Legend Mafia will take over America, mark my words.

"What the fuck are y'all doing? I don't pay y'all to sit around on yalls damn asses all day! Get the fuck up and do what the fuck you're supposed to be doing!" I snapped when I walked in and saw that they were doing absolutely nothing. When they heard my voice they all jumped and immediately got up.

"S-Sorry Boss. It won't happen again."

"All of yalls paychecks just went down two thousand. If this happens again, none of you will have a fucking job. Now get to work!" my voice boomed throughout the trap. I'm not in the mood for these games today.

"Boss," everyone greeted with a nod as I passed them, I looked but didn't say anything.

"Blaze come look at this shit," Jermaine said as soon as I walked in the dungeon. Him, Chad, Tony and Mike were all standing around a beaten up boy that was tied down to the chair in the middle of the dark room. From where I was I couldn't see him but as I got closer, his face became more visible.

Fucking Antonio.

(S/N. If you forgot who Antonio was, he was the one who was hired by X to kill Blaze and they met behind The Cheescake Factory when he was on a date with Monique. But Blaze ended up taking Antonio in and letting him live with Jermaine while Antonio worked for him)

"B-Blaze I ca-can explain," he stuttered as he stared up at me in fear. I smirked to myself at how scared he looked.

"Nah, you don't gotta explain shit.. you ain't think you was gon get caught, did you?" I asked him, he didn't say anything so I grabbed him tightly by the jaw and forced him to look at me. "Don't fucking ignore me. Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"I'm sorry!" he cried out, I could hear Jermaine chuckle behind me.

"You ain't sorry yet," he told him. I stood up and walked to the back of the room, grabbing my gloves.

"Do you know what the fuck we do to people that steal from us?" Mike asked him.

"I hope you don't expect to live much longer."

"You gon regret fucking with us," we all told him, I let out a low chuckle as I walked back to them with a knife in hand.

"You know.. it's just funny to me because I fucking took you in after you held a gun up to my head and said you were going to kill me. I took you in, let you move in with Jermaine, gave you a job and this is how you repay me? This is your thank you?" I question staring at him, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking down at the knife in my hand.

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