Chapter 30- Falling For A Thug

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Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.
-Paulo Coelho


I was sitting outside of Monique's hospital room with my face buried in my hands. Her parents already left, saying that they would be back tomorrow, so the only people here now were me, her grandparents and Kyla. Me and Kyla were out waiting while her grandparents were inside with her.

"Are you okay?" she asked me. I removed my hands from my face and stared straight forward.

"I'm just sitting here thinking how the fuck I could be so stupid.." I said with a dark chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't say I'm surprised that the she's pregnant. Now that I think of it, the whole time we were in New York, we never used protection. Soo yeah," Monique's room door opened and her grandparents stepped out. Her papa face was chill, and her  Nana had a loving smile on her face as she stared down at me on the floor.

"She's asking for you," she told me. I hesitantly stood up and dusted my pants off.


"Wait a second. I heard Monique and my son call you Blaze but I know that's not your real name. Can you tell me it, please?" she asked with a sweet smile. I shoved my hands in the front pockets of my jeans and looked at her.

"My name is Dezmond, Dezmond Legend," I told her softly, her smile brightened.

"That's a wonderful name, son. Do you mind me calling you that instead?"

"Um, nah go ahead. I don't mind."

"Well then, Dezmond. Monique is getting released from the hospital in a bit and I would like for the both of you to meet us at my place? I only stay ten minutes from here," she said. My gaze flickered back and forth between the three of them before nodding.

"We'll be there," I assured her. She patted my shoulder before they all left the hospital, and then it was only me standing in the hallway. I sighed before gripping the door handle in my hand and pushing the door open.

"Blaze?" her soft voice called out. I turned the corner and looked at her. She had an iv in her arm and her forehead had a small bandage covering the gash from where she hit her head. "You know you didn't have to come all the way here, right? I only fainted cause I was dehydrated, that's all. I didn't mean to ruin your trip-"

"Be quiet. You didn't ruin my trip, Mookie. I was gonna come back tomorrow anyway," I told her with a shrug.

"Really?" I nodded and watched as her eyes watered. "Blaze I missed you so much," I walked over to her and took a seat on the bed next to her. I pulled her into my chest causing her to immediately wrap her arms around me tightly, I let out a chuckle.

"Baby I wasn't gone long, you don't have to cry."

"I know, it just.. I don't know," she sighed wiping her face.

"Well I missed you too," I told her quietly as I kissed the side of her head. "So what exactly happened?" I asked causing her to pull away from me some.

"Uh, I um, I was dehydrated and when I was trying to make it to the room, I got dizzy and bumped my head, that's really all," she mumbled. I stared at her and wondered how much longer she's gonna keep lying to me. Why won't she just tell me that she's fucking pregnant? It's not that hard, it's literally two words.

I'm pregnant.

"Can you lay up here with me until it's time for me to go?" she asked, I said sure and climbed in the hospital bed with her. The bed was small as hell but I guess you can say we managed to make it work.

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