Chapter 12- Falling For A Thug

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Love yourself, or nobody will.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I asked Blaze as we walked hand in hand through the mall, he wanted to buy himself some new pairs of shoes and asked me to come with him so of course I said yes.

"Um, yeah?" he answered, which surprised me.

"Really? How long ago?"

"It was a long time ago."

Well she was a lucky one.

"Would you ever want another one?" I asked picking up a shoe trying to be casual, I heard him chuckle.

"If you're trying to see if I'd ever date you... then I don't know," he said before walking away, my heart stopped as I looked his way. It wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a no either.

All day I couldn't stop replaying those words in my head.
He bought himself three pairs of Jordan's and asked if I wanted a pair, but I declined.

Now we were sitting at the food court eating Chinese food, and I stared at him, realizing he looked really good today, well that's everyday. I didn't like how just about every girl we passed stared at him, cause they would catch his attention and he would stare back.

"They forgot my soy sauce, I'll be right back," he mumbled before getting up. As he was gone I heard a vibration and noticed that it was his iPhone that he left on the table. I wasn't going to bother it, but it kept going off so I looked over at it.

Unknown- did you still want to see me later tonight?

Unknown- because i want to see you

Unknown- and you can finally see this body in person like you said you wanted. I'll let you do whatever you want

I scrunched up my face in disgust as I saw the dirty messages that she's been sending him, what hurt me was the fact that he was replying to her, telling her that he'll be over to her house later. I rolled my eyes and put his phone back where he had it.

I looked up to see if he was coming back but saw him by the line talking to a group of girls. Whatever they were saying to him had him smiling, and they were blushing.

I'm so done with him.

He makes me feel special then he goes and does shit like this?

When he finally decided to come back to the table, I was halfway done with my food.

"Did you wanna go do something after this? There's a-" I cut him off.

"No, just drop me off and you can go do whatever. I need to start packing anyway," I mumbled quietly as I stood to go throw my food away. Before I could sit back down in my chair, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him as he still sat. I wanted to get out of his touch because I hate what it does to me. I folded my arms and looked the opposite way.

"What's wrong?" he asked, I could feel his eyes on my face but I couldn't bring myself to look into them.

"Nothing, I'm just ready to go home."

"Did I do something? Monique, are you okay?"


"Then why it look like you about to cry?" he asked now standing up with his arms still around me. He towered over me but I still didn't look at him, so he grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him and I bit my bottom lip. "Tell me what's wrong," he asked softly searching my eyes, I pulled out of his grasp.

"You might want to check your phone," I muttered before walking away, leaving him standing there confused. I was halfway out the store when someone grabbed my arm and yanked me to faced them, it was Blaze of course.

Falling For A ThugWhere stories live. Discover now