Chapter 15- Falling For A Thug

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I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I do get too happy, something bad always happens


"You're never going back so shut the fuck up! Blaze doesn't give a damn about you, and he never will, he doesn't care about anyone. I bet you didn't know he was screwing hoes while y'all were in Miami?" he asked with a chuckle, I put my head down.

"I'm not in a relationship with him... he can do what he wants," I mumbled. Yes, it breaks my heart into a thousand pieces every time I see Blaze with a girl but I can't control him. Even though he tells me things to make me feel like he likes me, he told me from the jump he doesn't do relationships so I need to stop getting my hopes up so high. I'm just setting myself up for failure.

"Do you think he's coming to get you? If so, then you're wrong. He's not going to find you," Travis told me with a smirk, I ignored him. If Blaze wanted to get me then I know it wouldn't take him long, he's smart. I just wish he would hurry up, but at the same time  he was just shot and as far as I know he's still in a coma.

There's a possibility that he doesn't even know something has happened to me.

"C'mon, we have to get you cleaned up. We got some place to be," he told me checking the time, I scrunched up my face.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I spat, he narrowed his eyes at me and slapped me across the face.

"Get the fuck up and do as I say. Boys! Come get her," he ordered just as three large men walked down into the basement and I held my hands up in surrender, getting up shaking. They threw towels at me and I caught them weakly, they've only fed me once these past few days.

The larger man grabbed me by my arm roughly and dragged me to the bathroom upstairs, I winced at his tight grip.

"Take your clothes off," he demanded once we were inside the bathroom. I looked at him wide eyed and froze.


"You heard me, I said take your clothes off. Don't make me call Travis in here," he threatened. This is the first time they've let me showered, and I can't even have my own privacy?

Closing my eyes, I took my clothes off as fast as I could and hopped in the warm shower, welcoming the hot water hitting my skin. I thought about Blaze as tears fell from my eyes. I wish I was with him right now.

"Hurry up," he snapped after ten minutes, I was just finishing washing my hair.

"Can I have my towel please?" I asked quietly, he grunted and tossed it to me. I cut the water, wrapped the towel around me and stepped out. I stood in front of him, unsure of what to do. My black hair now hung in wet long curls surrounding my face.

"Follow me," I didn't say a word as I followed him out the bathroom and down the hallway. He lead me to a bedroom where Travis was sitting on the bed, he looked to be waiting. He looked up from his phone at me and I felt uncomfortable as his eyes raked me. He stood up and stepped closer, I tensed and went to take a step back but the man shoved me at Travis.

"I've never seen someone look so.. good after a shower," he smirked as he played in my hair, I froze as he cupped my neck and made me look up at him.

Travis was a dark skin man with subtle on his face, and a nappy fade on the top of his head. His lips were chapped and his eyes were dark.

In one swift movement, he grabbed my towel and yanked it off my body, throwing it to the floor. I gasped in shock and went to cover myself, heart beating rapidly in my chest as he stared at me in amusement.

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