Chapter 29- Falling For A Thug

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He's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you can break. Don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect more than he can give. Don't analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don't exist, but there's always one guy that is perfect for you. -Bob Marley

2 months later


"You're not hungry?" my dad asked once he noticed I wasn't eating my breakfast that he fixed. I kept playing with my grits but I couldn't seem to bring the fork up to my mouth.

"N-No, not really. Thank you for cooking breakfast and all, I'm just not hungry," I told him with a sigh as I dropped the fork on my plate and leaned back.

"Are you okay sweetheart? You've been kinda quiet lately... are you and Blaze fine?" he asked, I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

"Yeah, we're both good. But hey, I was wondering how Nana and Papa are doing?" I questioned referring to my grandparents, which are his parents.

"They're doing really good, they just asked about you the other day. Christine and her husband just went out of town so Kyla is staying with them for the weekend," he said causing me to perk up. Kyla was my favorite cousin and it seemed like I haven't seen her in years.

"Really? Do you think Nana and Papa would let me stay with them this weekend too?" I asked, he smiled at me.

"I had a feeling you'd ask that.. they would love to have the both of you and Kyla there this weekend. Go pack your bag and I'll drive you up there," he told me. I jumped up happily and dashed to my room to get my things together. At first I started to text Kyla to let her know I'll be coming but then I decided against it. I'll just surprise her.

"You ready?" my dad asked twirling his key around his finger, I nodded my head as he grabbed the bags from me and carried them down to the car. We got in his black BMW and took off to my nana's and papa's. They only stay a hour and a half away so the drive shouldn't be too long.

call me when you can.

I sent the text to Blaze and laid back in the seat, deciding to nap for the rest of the drive.

"Monique, wake up. We're here," my dad tapped me. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see my grandparents large house in front of me. I got out of the car and followed behind my dad up to the front door.

"Who is it?" I heard my Nana ask from the other side.

"It's me, ma!" the door swung open and there she stood. She pushed pass my father and engulfed me in a large hug.

"Oh goodness gracious, my grandbaby! I haven't seen you in so long," she cooed as she hugged me tight. I hugged her back with a smile.

"Hey Nana."

"George! Come look who's here! Oh my, this is great," she said clasping her hands together, my dad coughed.

"Well hello to you to mother," he said sarcastically, she rolled her eyes.

"Chile, I just saw you. Hush that fuss up," she said causing me to laugh.

"What's all the yelling about?" my Papa grumbled as he turned the corner. When his eyes landed on me, they widened.

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