Chapter 23- Falling For A Thug

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commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.


A week later.

I was parked in front of the jail waiting for them to release my dad. I wasn't too sure how I felt about him being out. Yeah I was happy, I was happy as hell to have him out but I just don't want him to do some reckless shit and have to go back in.

After another ten minutes or so of me waiting, I saw him walking out the doors with a giant smile on his face. I laughed at him and hopped out of my truck. "Pops!" I yelled to him, his eyes met mine and he smiled wider.

"Aye, you have no idea how good it feels to be out of there," he said as he hugged me, I laughed.

"I can only imagine. You want to go get something to eat? Or we can stop by the mall and get you some clothes, whatever you want to do," I suggested as I stuffed my hands in my pockets and looked at him.

"Let's go get something to eat, your old man hungry," he answered and then he hopped in the truck. We were riding with the windows down when I pulled up to Chikfila.

"What you want?" I asked him.

"The hell if I know, you know how long it's been since I been here?" he laughed, I gave him a small smile and just ordered him a chicken nugget meal.

"Aye, this little thing here vibrating," he said motioning to my phone. I picked it up to see that I had a text from Monique.

Monique 👑❤️: have fun with your dad! I'll talk to you later xx

Alright, thanks

I smiled at the message and sat my phone in my lap as I got the food. I'm pretty sure he didn't feel like walking around the mall right now so I just headed to the house. "This you?" he asked as I pulled up the driveway.

"Yeah, this me."

"Mhm, I guess you wasn't lying when you said that you were doing good by yourself. But listen, I know I maybe late but I'm here now, and you don't gotta worry about being by yourself, okay?" he told me, I looked straight forward and just nodded my head, not being able to say anything. I led him to a bedroom downstairs and gave him things so that he could shower. I gave him a pair of sweats and a shirt so that he could have something to put on.

"Do you have a razor I can shave with?" he asked me.

"Everything you need should be under the sink in here, and you can have this room by the way. I'll be upstairs if you need me," I told him before walking out and going to my room.

Damn, my dad is really home.

As I was in my room I pulled out my phone to call Chuck.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Aye, you mind running a few errands for me?" I asked him as I sat down on my bed.

"Nah of course not. What you need?"

"I need you to go down to AT&T and buy one of the newer iPhones, add it to my plan. Then I need you to go to the mall and get some clothes for my dad, I'll text you his size. You can either stop by my house for the money or take a few stacks out the safe at the trap," I explained.

"I'll get some from the trap. What color phone?"

"The black and grey one," I told him.

"Alright, I'm on it," I hung up the phone and jogged downstairs to my dads room and stepped inside, going to the bathroom door and standing by it.

Falling For A ThugWhere stories live. Discover now