Chapter 38- Falling For A Thug

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I will never give up on you no matter what. My love for you is pure and serene, it's true and I am confident that no one can ever love you as much as I love you. No one can give you that place in their life as you hold in mine.. you captured my heart as well as my soul.. any distance from you is unbearable but I will wait for you for all eternity.


When I walked in that hospital room I expected to see Blaze laying in the bed and hooked up to different machines. Instead, I saw him standing against the wall in an entirely different outfit as he talked to his dad, sister, and Chad.

"Sup y'all," he greeted nodding his head with a smirk, Mike mugged him.

"The fuck, ain't nothing even wrong with you. Our asses could have stayed home," he complained.

"I got eight stitches in my side, look," Blaze exclaimed as he lifted his shirt up so we could see.

"Does it hurt?" Kyla asked, he shook his head.

"Nah it don't actually. I'm not staying here tonight, I'm just waiting on my discharge papers so I can go home," he mumbled pulling his shirt down and leaning back against the wall. I wanted to say something to him so bad, I just didn't know what.

Everyone stayed at the hospital a little more until he got his discharge papers, that's when everyone started to leave and I just stood there confused on what I was supposed to do.

"Blaze your truck is in the parking lot, Monique can drive you," Mike told him, Blaze rose a brow.

"Why can't I drive myself?"

"Cause you're high off ten different drugs right now, son. That's why," Mr. Legend told him with a chuckle, Blaze rolled his eyes.

"Daniella you staying the night with him?" Blaze asked his younger sister, she nodded. Once everyone cleared the hospital room, there was an awkward silence between me and Blaze.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled causing him to stare at me blankly.

"You good."

"Not just about today.. I'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean-"

"We'll talk about it later," he cut me off by saying. I frowned my face up at him but kept quiet. He grabbed his things and held the door open for me to walk out the door. It was quiet between us as we made the short walk to his truck in the parking lot. As we walked I noticed him looking around at our surroundings.

"I can drive, you don't have to," he told me.

"No, you just got out of surgery. I'm driving," I argued causing him to scoff and get in the passenger seat.

"Can we get something to eat?" I asked him once we were on the main road. I've been hungry for a while now, I just hadn't said anything because I didn't think it was appropriate. But babygirl is hungry and I have to get us something to eat.

"Go to five guys," he mumbled reclining his seat back and tossing his arm over his face. Once we got there, I ordered two burgers. One being a double cheese burger and the other being a bacon cheese burger with a side of large fries, chips and a Pepsi. "Think you got enough?" he asked with a smirk.

"I'm pregnant with your child, shut up," I replied. He only ordered a cheeseburger and when it was time to pay he handed them a fifty and told them to keep the change. On our way to his house, we quietly ate our food while the radio played softly in the background.

"Where's Coco?" I asked.

"Sasha has her," he mumbled before he got out the truck and headed in. In the house I noticed a lot of boxes piled up everywhere against the walls which made me think about him moving.

Falling For A ThugWhere stories live. Discover now