Chapter 45- Falling For A Thug

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I realized something: I need you, I trust you, I admire you, I want you. And you can be wrong all the time, and we can fight and get mad at each other, but nothing, nothing in this world can change the fact that I love you.


"Chad? I need you to come by the main trap house to see me. Now."

No matter how many times I tried to push those words out of my head, they stayed. They played over and over again in my head as if they were on repeat. Each time I thought of Blaze's voice, a chill ran down my spine from fear of what was going to happen.

He called me almost thirty minutes ago telling him I need to see him, and I can't help but to regret everything I've said and done in the past few hours.

Did Monique tell him already what happened?

Of course she did!

Fuck, I'm such a damn idiot!

Why else would he call me and say that? His voice was deadly calm so I couldn't determine if he was upset or not, but I guess I'm on my way to find out.

I shouldn't of told Monique I had feelings for her, I should've just kept the shit to myself like I've been doing the past year. But no, my stupid ass wants to complicate things by telling her how I feel.

I went ahead and sent my mom a text telling her a love her, because I'm positive Blaze is about to kill my ass right now.

Feel no remorse, have no hesitations. Just do it.

That's what he says, and I know he's about to use his motto on me the second I walk through the door.

Because the second I walk through the door, I'm a dead man.

I should've known Monique would tell him, why wouldn't she? I've lied to her and told her he was still cheating on her, and I was being rude to her. Blaze doesn't tolerate anyone disrespecting her, so if he found out about everything I said to her then I'm sure he's mad as hell. And I'm about to feel his wrath.

I drove down the deserted road until the old abounded warehouse came into view. I passed the guards with a nod and hopped out of my vehicle, running my palms against my pants on the way out to try and remove the sweat that was building up there.

In the yard, there was more than one hundred vehicles scattered out across the lawn, but only one vehicle stood out in particular to me.

Blaze's truck.

Hesitantly, I headed through the door and immediately, the smell of drugs smacked me in the face. I looked around the large room and saw everything was going the exact way Blaze likes. The ladies were bagging the drugs, and the men were making the drugs, while the rest stood around and made sure no one was trying any funny shit.

From the next room over I could hear bullets flying and I thought someone must be getting trained on how to shoot a gun properly. Almost two years ago, that was me in that room without a clue on how to shoot a damn gun. Blaze was the one that walked in and taught me how to, now I'm an expert because I learned from the best. Over time we grew close and now I'm on top, right along with him, Mike, Jermaine and Tony because Blaze had trust in me. But I fucked that up.

"Blaze is waiting for you, he's down in the dungeon," one of the guards walked up and told me. I nodded my head and headed down to my death.

If I could redo the events of today I swear I would in a heartbeat, the last thing I want to do is be on Blaze's bad side.

It was cold and dark out here. If you were brought down here then you should know what comes next. This place is hell.

"Which room is Blaze in?" I asked Tony when I passed him in the hallway. I couldn't help but to notice the blood on his shirt and hands, what is going on?

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