Chapter 48- Falling For A Thug

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When I look at you I see this perfect person. Then there's me, this weird, crazy person with all these problems and I don't see how you chose me but please. Just stay.


3 1/2 months later

"Why do they keep changing the date of the wedding?" Blaze asked me once I got back home. He was referring to Mike and Trina's wedding. I just got back from meeting with the girls and come to find out, they're changing the date of their wedding again for the third time.

First time was because she wanted more time to lose weight so she can fit in her wedding dress.

Second time was because she wanted MJ to be able to walk down the isle. (The child is only one, so I don't get how or why she thinks he'll be able to understand what is going on)

Now, they've changed the date because Trina changed the theme so it's going to take them awhile to get everything how she wants it.

And of course Mike is just going along with it and down whatever she wants.

"I don't know. You know how extra Trina is, she can't help it. But hopefully this is the last time because It's tiring. We have our new dresses though," I informed him as I plopped down on the couch next to him. He looked at me.

"What do they look like?"

"You'll just have to wait and see," I told him and he smirked at me with a shake of his head.

"Well then I can't wait."

Just as I was about to lean forward to kiss him, I heard the sound of our front door being opened and I groaned. "Who is it?"

"The King has arrived!" I turned my head and stared blankly at the sight of Jermaine walking in with Tori and the baby. She gave birth to their daughter two months ago and they named her Layla, she was the cutest.

After them came in Chad carrying Adrianna in his arms, which made me confused. I quickly stood up and made my way over to him.

"Why do you have her?" I asked taking her out of his arms. When she saw me a smile formed on her face so I kissed her in greeting.

"Calm down, I just got her from Blaze's dad. He's outside," he responded but I was done speaking with him. I walked back to the couch and sat next to Blaze with out child in between us.

Now she knew how to sit up on her own, and when you put her on the ground she'll try her hardest to crawl but she hasn't quite got it yet.

"What was that about?" Blaze asked as I sat next to him, I shrugged.

"I wasn't expecting him to walk in with her, that's all."

"Well baby it's not like a stranger had her, it was just Chad," he tried to assure me. But if only he knew.

"So Monique, I'm highly upset that you didn't acknowledge my presence when I walked in," Jermaine snapped at me and I laughed at him.

"I'm sorry. Hey Jermaine, Hi Tori."

"Hey girl-

"Um, no! Acknowledge my child too. I speak to Adrianna every time I see her, so you speak to Layla," he demanded and I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Layla."

"Now Blaze, it's your turn-"

"Nigga don't even try it," Blaze cut him off by saying and I laughed at them. I saw Mr. Legend walk in the living room followed by Daniella and Antonio.

They've been getting real close lately and I'm positive Blaze has noticed it too because as soon as they walked in, his eyes went straight to them.

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