Chapter 34- Falling For A Thug

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Real niggas don't have a side bitch, or a main bitch, or a something to do when there's nothing to do bitch. Real niggas have one girl who he spends his time with, who makes him happy, and talks to all day. Real niggas tell these other bitches that he has a girl. Real niggas don't care about what people think of his relationship. Real niggas don't have their girls walking around looking stupid. Real niggas do real shit in relationships. Not that fuck boy shit.



"Wake up beautiful," I whispered in Monique's ear as she slept. A small smile formed on her face before her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me.

"Goodmorning, what time is it?" she asked closing her eyes back and rolling over.

"It's.. almost nine," I told her as I checked my watch. "I already have the shower going for you."

"Really? Thank you," she smiled sitting up and looking at me.

"I'm gonna go take Coco for a walk, be ready by time I get back," I kissed her on her forehead before going downstairs to walk Coco. We took a few laps around the neighborhood so when I headed back inside, it was nine thirty and Monique was just finishing up getting dressed.

"What time will you come pick me up?" she asked once she noticed I was back in the room.

"Um, actually I don't think you'll see me until tonight baby. I'm really busy today," I told her. Her face fell and she nodded.

"Okay.." we left the house awhile later and then I dropped her off to Miya's place. When I pulled up to the trap, I noticed everyone was here already which was good.

"So Chad, the floor is yours," I told him, he nodded at me and stood up.

"Everyone in this room knows about the X situation, and I think I may have figured out a way to get him. My cousin just came back to town, and I think she can help us. See, X spends his Friday nights at a bar downtown and all we have to do, is have her flirt with him a bit before taking him back to her hotel. When they get there, we'll be waiting for them," he explained to the group.

"Who's your cousin? She the broad Blaze said we meeting tonight?" Mike asked as he lit up his blunt, Chad nodded.

"Yeah, we can get into the club for free so all y'all gotta do is talk with her and make sure shits cool."

"Sounds straight to me," I told him.

"Well if Blaze cool with it, we are," Jermaine agreed with a shrug.

"Bet, but I need one of y'all to do a favor for me. Who up?" I asked looking around.

"Ion got shit to do. What you need?" Mike asked me.

"I need you to look up a Kaitlyn and Marvin Jones that live in Atlanta. They foster parents and I need all information about them as soon as possible," I said to him as I stood up.

"Alright cool, I'll give it to you later," I stayed there for a little while longer before I left to get me something to eat. As I was in the line at chikfila, I got a phone call from Sasha.

"Yo," I answered.

"Hi.. um. Are you busy right now?" she asked me, she sounded nervous.

"Nah, why wassup?"

"Can you stop by my place? We need to talk."

"I don't know what me and you would have to talk about but I'll be there in about fifteen minutes," I told her before I hung up the phone. I don't even know why I was agreeing to go to her house, but something told me that I should.

Falling For A ThugWhere stories live. Discover now