Snippet Of Chapter 49

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Love isn't supposed to be easy; it's supposed to be worth it.


I woke up alone, tangled in the sheets bare of any clothes. My first thought was on Blazes' whereabouts because he wasn't in the room with me.

Did he leave?

I pulled the sheets up a little higher on my chest and sat up to grab my phone when I saw a piece of paper folded up on the nightstand.

I went to take my sister to school.
And I dropped off Babygirl to Miya so that we could talk about whatever it is you need to tell me.
I'll be back soon.


I blew out a breath of relief now that I knew where him and the baby was. But then I quickly sat up when I realized he would be here soon and I had to tell him.

I jumped out of the bed and ran to the shower to take a quick one before he got here. Maybe if I looked good he wouldn't get angry with me?

Oh, who am I kidding. He'd get mad at me regardless of the way I look.

I slid on a pair of shorts and a shirt he bought me not too long ago before leaving the room and going up front to get something to eat.

I couldn't eat because I didn't have an appetite, so instead I grabbed a bottle of water and went to the living room to watch the TV until he got here.

This is hell waiting for him.

After a while I heard the front door open slowly causing me to stiffen. I buried my face into my hands and tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

I shouldn't be this nervous to speak to him. I just wish that I would've been honest with him from the beginning and maybe things would be a little different?

"Monique?" I heard as I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder and I whipped around quickly because the voice didn't belong to Blaze.

It was Chad.

"Get out," I hissed moving away from him. "Now, get out!"

"No, let me talk to you!" he yelled grabbing my wrist tightly before it made contact with his face. Gosh I wish I would've hit him. 

"We have nothing to talk about. Let me go!"

"Yes we do!" he told me with both of my hands trapped in his.

"Chad, please. You've already caused enough trouble for me now as is. The last thing I need is for Blaze to walk in-"

"He won't, he's not even here because I saw him when he left," he tried to reason while I tried to take a step back.

Whoever was looking down on me really wasn't on my side right now because just like last night, I tripped over the coffee table causing us both to fall.

"Move!" I yelled when he was on top of me. Instead of getting up he straddled my waist and pinned my hands above my head.

"No, you're going to listen to what the hell I have to say. We can't just ignore what happened-"

"You're acting like what happened was something mutual! I didn't want you to kiss me, I don't want anything to do with you. That's why I'm telling Blaze everything as soon as he gets here, which should be any second," I said as my eyes kept flickering nervously to the wall as if I expected Blaze to come around the corner any second now. "Get the hell off of me!"

"I know you're going to tell him, that's why I need to talk to you first! Just quit fighting me and fucking listen!" he yelled angrily and my eyes widened slightly

At this point I wasn't sure if I wanted Blaze to walk through or not. If he came, Chad would definitely have to leave but the longer he was gone, the longer I was stuck with him.

"Blaze is going to be here any second. Please leave so I can tell him alone."

"Exactly, he's going to be here any second. Meaning the faster you let me explain the faster I can leave."

"Hurry the hell up and talk then!" I screamed angrily. When all of this is over I'm getting me a damn gym membership because I hate being so tiny and not able to defend myself.

"I need you to understand why I kissed you. There was no way in hell that I was letting you leave without getting a kiss last night-"


"How would you feel if everyday you had to watch the person you love, love someone else? Then on top of that, have to fucking work for the man she's in love with. You have no idea how hard it is to sit next to him and know that he's loving you the way I want to. He's touching you the way I wish you let me."

I don't care. I don't care about any of this.

"I wasn't going to say anything to you, I was just going to keep my feelings to myself but I can't. Everyday it would get harder to see you with him walk around with Adrianna like y'all are one big happy fucking family. I want that with us. I want you to be mine-"

"Well, ain't this some shit," I heard a voice say causing me to tense, Chad did the same.

I closed my eyes and hoped that this was all some sort of big joke.

"Chad, fucking move," I snapped and he releases his hold on me and scrambled off of me with fear evident in his eyes now knowing Blaze was here.

Good, he should be scared.

"Y'all been kissing and shit behind my back?" Blaze asked letting out a dry laugh. My eyes turned to look at him and I stood up to walk towards him, but I stopped when I saw the way he was looking at me.

"Baby, it's not like that-"

"Don't fucking baby me. You expect me to walk in on this shit and not get pissed? Especially when yesterday you fucking lied to me and told me nothing was going on?" his loud voice boomed throughout the house. I could hear the dogs barking from outside probably confused on what was going on, and I was glad that there was no one else here but us to witness this argument.

"I was going to tell you as soon as you got back, I promise. Chad came here and wouldn't let go of me," I tried to explain but he shook his head.

"It didn't look like your ass was struggling to me. And you," he seethed putting his attention on Chad who was cowering in the back. "You're supposed to be my boy, but you do some shit like this to me? After all I've fucking done for you?"

"Blaze I-I can explain-"

"Then explain the shit then! Make me understand what the fuck I just walked in on!" he yelled taking an angry step towards us. His vein was popping out of his neck while his eyes were dark with rage.

I knew I had to try and do something to calm him down because this Blaze scared me.

I reached out to touch his arm but his gaze snapped to me and he shook his head.

"Don't," he warned and I flinched back from his tone. "Y'all got three minutes to start talking."

"Chad leave so I can talk to him," I begged but as soon as Chad took the step to go, Blaze pulled out his gun and aimed it at him making both of our eyes widen.

"Try to fucking leave and see what the hell gonna happen."

"Blaze, please calm down. I'll explain everything to you if you'll give me the chance. I don't want him here while I talk to you-"

"Why? So you can lie to me and get away with it again? Nah, that shit not gonna happen. Y'all down to one fucking minute and thirty two seconds to explain though."

"Whatever she tells you, b-believe it. Everything is my fault, I don't think I should be here," Chad stuttered as he took another step to leave.

My body jumped and I let out a scream at the sound of Blaze pulling the trigger....


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