Birthday + Updates

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       Hey guys! Today is my Birthday! Yay! I'm officially 13, (and allowed on Wattpad)!
        Anyway, I know I have 8 requests to do, but I want to tell you some stuff that has been going on-
         First of all, school started for me about 3-4 weeks ago, decreasing the amount of time I have to work on stuff. It also doesn't help I'm in Volleyball, which takes away a lot of time too. I mean, my practices are every night (besides Sat, Sun, Mon, and Weds) and those take up two hours.
             Then my games (Mon,Weds) can take up to three hours, due to the fact that we have to watch the eighth grade play. I'm also working on a bunch of books at once-which is not a smart idea, let me tell you.
             So, yeah, that's what's happening in my life right now. Oh, also, I'm going to Comic-con on Oct. 1st! I'll be going as Maka Albarn, from Soul Eater. I'm going to the one in Cleveland, Ohio. (I'll take a picture of myself in the cosplay and post it. Also, don't take that as a fact that I live there, my friends. For I will not tell you where I live. No offense, but safety issues).
             Anyway, it would be awesome if I could meet one of you there! (It's the best place to meet, I would guess. Lots of people, security, that type of stuff). I'll probably post a picture of myself in the cosplay, just incase one of you do come.
            (If you do meet me, tell me your username and that you're from Wattpad at the convention. Also, put it down in the comments below so we can make plans). Anyway, that's all I have to say for now, bye!

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