Pit x Tall! Reader

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              I walked around casually, in search of my boyfriend, Pit. I really wanted to find him, because... well, cause I felt like hanging out. I don't really need a reason to hang out with my boyfriend- he's my boyfriend for a reason...
Anyway, I was searching for him all around, until I accidentally bumped into something. I look down, seeing Pit standing there. I smile slightly.
"Oh, hey! Sorry I ran into you, but I was looking for you anyway... I also didn't see you there, you were under my eye level..." I ramble on. Pit just smiles, and then hugs me. I smile softly as I hug back.
You know- most people think it's odd that Pit is so short and I'm so tall, but, in all honesty, I don't see the problem. I wouldn't feel different about Pit if I was shorter than him, so I don't get why people will make such a fuss about it.
              "Why were you looking for me, (Y/N)-Chan?" Pit questions cutely, making me giggle slightly.
               "Do I really need a reason? I just kind of wanted to hang out..." I reply simply, to which Pit smiles more.
             "No, no you don't need a reason. But, what do you wanna do, then?" Pit questions, releasing me from the hug. I put a hand to my chin.
              "Mm... how about floor ice cream?" I suggest, to which Pit nods vigorously. I smile more at this, grab his hand, and start pulling Pit to the kitchen. Pit starts to run, quickly getting ahead of me, and then starts to drag me along.
               I laugh, running faster. Due to my longer stride lengths, I end up in the front once more. We arrive at the kitchen fairly quickly, and we open up the door to enter. We go into the kitchen, and walk straight towards the freezer.
Pit opens up the door, and I begin to look at each flavor. Hm... I really want (f/f), but I should be courteous enough to ask Pit which he would like. "Pit, what flavor would you like?" I question politely, looking down at him.
"(F/f)." He responds nearly immediately, and then he looks up at me with a wide smile on his face. I smile cheerfully, too, and then Pit jumps in an attempt to get the ice cream down.
My smile turns into an amused smirk, and I reach over top of Pit to grab the ice cream. I pluck it off the shelf with ease, and Pit decides to grab the spoons.
              Pit flops onto the floor, nearly hitting his head on a nearby cabinet. My eyes widen when I see this, but he is luckily able to prevent that, though I'm not sure he realized what happened. I carefully sit down across from him, and set the ice cream in between us.
             Pit reaches out, and he attempts to pop the top off, while holding his spoon in one hand. Key word in that sentence being 'attempts'. Pit continues to struggle with it, and I giggle a little.
             "I can get it, Pit." I say, taking the container from him. I pop the lid off with ease, and then I place it back in between us. "See? Easy." I say, smiling slightly, while I also look back up to Pit.
Pit sticks his tongue out at me, which I do back, and then he grabs stabs his spoon into the ice cream. Hehe... it hasn't softened yet, what a pain. I jab my spoon into the ice cream, too, unable to wait for the delicious taste of (f/f) in my mouth.
I start to pull up the ice cream, managing to wriggle some out. When I get the ice cream and spoon out, though, the spoon was bent at about a 90 degree angle. I put a hand up to my mouth, laughing a little loudly.
Pit looks up, only to notice the spoon, and laugh loudly too. I continue to look at the spoon, and then glance at Pit. He looks up at me, and we start laughing even louder. I eventually put the ice cream in my mouth anyway, then stand up, and next I put the spoon on the sink.
              I go over and grab another spoon out of a drawer, and then walk over to Pit. I plop back on to the ground, watching as Pit stuffed some ice cream into his mouth.
                I smile in amusement, before scooping some ice cream out with my spoon. We continue to eat ice cream until almost half the thing was gone. We look up at each other, then nod, and place the lid back on to the container.
                Pit takes my spoon as I grab the container of ice cream. He takes the spoons over to the sink while I open the freezer door, placing the ice cream back where it was originally. Pit comes back and grabs on to my hand, and we walk out of the kitchen together.
            I look down at him once we get in the hallway, and kiss his cheek lightly. "That was fun, thank you Pit." I say happily. Pit glances up at me, blushing darkly, which makes me giggle. We continue to walk along, talking about the most random things.
               Little did we know that we could do that the whole day...


       900 words. This was requested by @TheHylianDoge Sorry it took forever, and I hope you like it anyway!

Also... guess who's back!

Pit: Hey guys!

Yeah! He's back! Someone wanted him back... I'll have to go see who it was... Ah! Found them! Pit is back, Maggie862 Hope you enjoy is weird company XD.

Pit: It's not weird!

Whatever you say, buddy, whatever you say. I'll see you guys in the next one-shot!

Pit: See ya!

Edit: Thank you guys so much for 28k! That's a lot for me. I couldn't have gotten here without your guys help, and I'm sorry I had to close requests!

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