Dark Pit x Assasin! Reader

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I swiftly move from tree to tree in the forest. It was midnight, sending a cool chill to my back. I had on simple black leggings, black combat boots, a black shirt, and a black beanie.
For an assassin, I was dressing quite risky. The beanie could fall off at any moment, leaving behind evidence. I never cared, though. I needed to have some sort of freedom wrapped up in the screwed up life I was born into.
Of course the black shirt had long sleeves. It's where I hid my daggers. There is nowhere else to put those things without looking suspicious.
I was born into all of this. My mother and father are also assassins. It runs in the family. We've always been the key part to our organizations. They couldn't even break the front lines without our help.
So here I was, trying to break into Smash. A dumb idea, really. Everyone in there is a trained fighter. All I want is to get out of this mess. I could tell Master Hand everything...
They could protect me, eliminate the organization my parents and I work for. They could set me free. I just had to get to the grounds. If I didn't make it on time, I'd be severely punished by the organization.
The organization I work for has always been a major threat to Smash. I could help Smash tear it down from the roots. I could watch the destruction of the place that ruined my life. I could have my revenge.
         This filled me with determination, making me go faster. I will get there. I sped through the woods with ease. Seeing as how I can fight...maybe I could become a smasher myself. Yeah...I've always wanted to do that.
     I used to have a friend who wanted to become one... Then I fell into a coma because of an injury during a mission I was on with him... I never saw him after that.
           I look in front of me, seeing the large gate go through part of the woods. Really? Even in the woods? I grumble to myself. I quickly run up, climb it, and jump over it. Oh, that wasn't very hard.
            I look around. There was this certain peaceful silence... I like it. Now, as for this tracker... if they know I'm here, I should be good. I quickly pluck the tracker off my arm. They probably thought I didn't notice it.
            I smushed it in between my fingers, letting fall to the ground. I smashed it with my combat boots, making sure it didn't work. I need to get in and talk to Master Hand.
           Given it was still night, I'd probably look suspicious coming into the mansion now. I'll have to wait until morning... I sigh and start to climb a tree.
         Once I get to a sturdy branch, I grab the rope out of the pack on my belt. I then tie myself to the branch. I looked to the sky, wondering if I could ever be free.
         As I lean back, closing my eyes; I hear a sudden snap. I immediately sit up, looking around. Once I make sure that area is clear, I lean back once again. I untie the rope, pretending to go to sleep.
          I then feel an arm wrap around my head, the person's hand covering my mouth. I immediately stand on the branch, whipping my daggers out. I turn around, holding them to the person's neck.
          My (h/l) (h/c) hair flowed into my face from under the beanie. I looked at the person, only to see someone who looked...familiar...odd. Whatever. The guy had black hair that looked slightly purple, red eyes, a black chiton with purple and gold trimming, black wings, and Greek-style sandals.
As for weapons, I couldn't tell. There was a staff and what looked to be a longish sword...who knows. I glare at him, keeping one dagger to his throat. I had the other ready in my hand. He glares down at me.
"Who are you, and what are you doing her?" The guy questions. I frown.
"That's not important. I need to talk to Master Hand." I reply, keeping my daggers in position. The guy raises his eyebrows.
"Why would I bring the girl who is holding daggers to my neck to my boss?" He questions. My eyes flick downward.
"That's a...fair question." I reply hesitantly. I look back up to him, removing the daggers from his neck. "I need help." I say, a sudden desperation coming to my eyes. His glare doesn't soften. Figures. He seems so much like someone I knew not to long ago.
"Why should I trust you?" He questions again. I look to the side.
           "You wouldn't have a reason to, I suppose...but, please, you seem like someone that I used to know. What is your name?" I ask. He gives me an odd look.
           "It's Dark Pit...I have no idea why that's of any importance to you, but-" Dark Put continues to reply as I start to ignore him. Dark Pit...why is that so familiar? "Are you even listening?" Dark Pit asks, irritation coursing through his voice.
            Wait...that voice could only belong to... He had the hair, eyes...everything. I went on a couple missions with him. They were top secret...no one but us and the organization knew about them. I look back up to him, my face lit up with hope. Carelessly, I flung my arms around him.
           "What are you-" Dark Pit starts to yell. I bury my face in his chest, tears of joy coming out. He was the only happiness I ever had; the only friend I ever had. I pull back and look at him.
            "Dark Pit! It's me, (Y/N) (L/N)! We went on those top secret missions together not to long ago... I remember how you talked about going to Smash, to get away from the organization. We were best friends!" I exclaim. Dark Pit's mouth gaps open.
             "But how? They told me you were dead!" Dark Pit explains. I give him an odd look.
           "What? When did they tell you that? I mean, I did nearly die. I guess they never got to tell you that I survived. Wait...I was in a coma for quite a long time...so you left before I woke up?" I question. He nods.
            "I suppose..." Dark Pit mumbles in agreement. I suddenly grip his shoulders, surprising him slightly.
            "I need help." I repeat. He motions for me to continue. "I need the help of the Smashers to help me destroy the organization. I want to be free. I want to free my parents." I explain.
             "Ok...we'll have to explain all of this to Master Hand..." Dark Pit mumbles. I nod, grabbing my stuff and jumping off the tree branch. How we managed to stay on there, I'll never know. He jumps down as well.
             "Could you lead the way?" I ask, slightly embarrassed. Dark Pit nods, grabbing my hand. I blush slightly. I couldn't help it... I mean, look at him.
         We walked through the woods, exiting quite quickly. He lead me to the door. The morning was already coming upon us, the sun slowly starting to rise. Jeez, I barely made it here in time. I thought I was earlier than that. Oops.
He lead me inside, weaving through the multiple hallways with ease. I see other smashers walking down the halls, giving me suspicious glares. I shift uncomfortably.
         We finally come across what I assume is Master Hand's office. I sigh silently in relief. Dark Pit quickly opens the door, leading me to a large desk. I slowly and nervously approach it, realizing the true gravity of the situation.
I wouldn't- no couldn't- do this. I stop before we get to the desk. Dark Pit turns around, giving me a questioning look.
"What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted?" Dark Pit asks. I look away.
"N-no...I mean yes, it is what I wanted. It's just that...I have a feeling no one will believe me. They'll cast me away or lock me in prison for working for the other side." I explain. Pittoo grips my wrists.
"I won't let them. You were my only happiness in the darkest of times...I know you better than anyone, and I know for a fact you don't lie unless it actually helps others. Even if you have to lie to the organization. So, come on. We'll do this together." Dark Pit says.
"F-fine...but don't say I didn't warn you..." I mumble as we continue to walk to the desk. Once we get there, I realize how truly short I am. Why?!?! I've always hated my height...
            "Who is this, Dark Pit, and why is she dressed as such?" Master Hand questions. ...Wha?... How did he know we were hear?! Master Hand doesn't have a mouth, ears, eyes... what?!
           In the midst of my confusion, Dark about explains the situation. Who I am, who I work for, what he used to do, what I want...everything really.
      Master Hand listens intently, leaning on his desk...kind of... or whatever a giant hand does. Master Hand looks down at me. At least, I think he was. I don't really know anymore...
        "And why should we trust this girl? She works for the other side, and she was trying to break in. So, why Dark Pit, should we trust this girl when she says such things? This could be a mission, to infiltrate us. How could we know if she's lying or not?" Master Hand questions.
            Dark Pit and Master Hand start arguing back and forth. I knew this would happen... How could I be ignorant enough to think this would work? I sigh sadly, burying my face in my hands. This can't continue.
          "Dark Pit...it's fine. I understand them not wanting to work with me...I had expected this to happen. The problem is...I can't go back. I refuse to finish my mission, I destroyed the tracker... I'd be severely punished. I'll have to hide...but that won't work anyway. The whole place is full of assassins and spies..." I cut in.
"But, (Y/N)-" Dark Pit starts to stay. Master Hand holds up his pointer finger. Is that the same thing as someone holding up their hand or something?
"Fine, I'll give her a chance. Seeing as how she has had training, I'll allow her to become a Smasher. Only if she will provide accurate information about the organization and not feed us inaccurate information." Master Hand gives in. My eyes shine brightly.
"Thank you so much! You probably don't know how much this means to me. I'll do everything I can to help. I want- no, I need- to see the organization torn about. I need to see their destruction. I need to free my parents. I need my revenge." I say gratefully, seriousness slowly coursing through my voice.
The three of us continued to talk; coming up with plans. I gave them all the information I could. Even if it didn't seem to be very important, I gave it to them anyway. Dark Pit gave what he could remember, but he had already told Master Hand these things before.
We planned. We got the other Smashers. As I feared, they didn't trust me. They still agreed to go along with the plan though. I made sure there was a way to save my parents. We were going to attack in a week.
Through the week, I got closer to the others. They slowly started to trust me; get to know me. I stayed in Palutena's room, seeing as how she was kind of closer to Dark Pit than anyone else. We all trained.
The time to go through with the plan finally came along. It was very bloody. All the Smashers survived, fortunately. The organization fell.
It was not all a happy end, though. My parents are now in comas. Apparently, when the organization fell, they promised to take my parents with it. All the Smashers, myself included, returned to the mansion.
We were beaten up, bloody, bruised, but we were fine. We were all ok. I returned the room Palutena and I shared, stripping down to take a shower.
After I got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and my head. I went to my bed. My bedroom had its own bathroom, so one would necessarily walk in on me.
I got my first aid kit out. I figure it would be easiest to fix up my wounds now, seeing as how my clothes wouldn't get in the way and my wounds were clean.
I continue to patch myself up. Once I finished, I took the towel off and slipped on some underwear as well as a bra; which were both the color of (f/c). I took my hair out of the towel, heading back to the bathroom.
I quickly brushed and blow-dried my hair. I walk back to my bed. I began to ponder, my mind making me zone-out.
I hope Dark Pit is ok...He probably is. I can't believe I went through all that, and now my parents are in a coma. I couldn't save them. Well, if they wake up then I did...
I snap back to reality when someone opens my door. I look up to see Dark Pit, who quickly blushes and covers his eyes. Why...oh wait. That's right, I'm only in my bra and underwear. Oops. My face turns into a tomato as I quickly scramble to my drawer.
I put on a pair of maroon jeans and a sweater that was white on the top, slowly fading into gray then black. I turn back to Dark Pit.
"S-sorry about that...I kind of zoned out in the midst of getting dressed." I explain. I then notice how bruised up and bloody he still is. His chiton is also in shreds.
"No, it's fine. Um... wait... shouldn't I be apologizing for walking in?" Dark Pit asks, slowly becoming confused. I contemplate this.
"Hm, whatever. Anyway, I accept your apology that you kind of made. Besides, I need to get you cleaned up." I reply, grabbing his hand. Dark Pit grunts.
"No. I'm fine." He says stubbornly. I sigh and frown.
"Come on, those cuts could get infected. Just let me help." I reply. Dark Put shakes his head. I grumble some very unladylike things under my breath. "If you let me help...I'll give you a 'prize' of sorts." I say, trying to convince him. He raises an eyebrow.
"Can it be anything?" Dark Pit questions. I think about this.
"Yes, but to a certain extent." I reply. He sighs and looks elsewhere.
"Fine." Dark Pit mumbles. I smile widely. I then quickly start to patch up all his wounds. After awhile, I finally finish.
"There, all better." I say happily. Dark Pit smirks at me.
"Time for my prize." He reminds me. I frown.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What do you want?" I say, face-palming myself mentally. Dark Pit looks down at me.
           "For you not to freak out." He replied simply. I give him a confused look.
           "Not freak out for-" I start to say, before being cut off by Dark Pit's warm lips on mine. My eyes widen in surprise. I try to stay calm, because the whole point was to not freak out. My eyes flutter closed.
I give in slightly and run my hands through his hair, bringing him closer. Dark Pit places his hands on my hips, bringing as close as possible. Not to long after, we pull away, panting for breath. My face is completely red, causing me to look off to the side.
"Hm...that was better than I thought." Dark Pit comments.
"What do you mean?" I ask quickly, my head snapping back to him. My hands were still in his hair and Dark Pit's hands were still at my hips. We were also still extremely close, making it so I nearly hit his nose with mine. Luckily, I stopped right before I did.
"I thought you would shove me back or something of the sort..." Dark Pit explains, keeping his eyes locked with mine. My eyes flick around.
"Well, I didn't...because I love you...and you were basically the only one that brought happiness into my life..." I say hesitantly. Dark Put gives me a genuine smile. That's the only time I've ever seen him actually smile...
"I love you too..." He mumbles, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I blush slightly. So this is his adorable side...


Clara: 2815 words. Hello Reader-Chans! This was requested by @weird_blueberry. I hope you liked it!

Pit: Hello Clara-chan!

Clara: 😊 Hello Pit!

Pit: You seem to be in a better mood than usual...

Clara: Is that a problem? I-I can stop...

Pit: No! Not at all! I'm just wondering what has gotten you in such a good mood...

Clara: Oh, right. I was just in the midst of watching the show 'Too Cute' on Discovery Family. The title doesn't lie, the show was adorable.

Pit: Can I watch it too?!

Clara: Sure! Come on!

DP: Did you guys forget about me?

Clara: Yes, actually.

DP: 😒 So what are you love-birds doing?

Clara: We're not together! Besides, we were about to watch Too Cute. If you want, you can join us.
DP: And why would I do so?

Clara: I don't know. Anyway, before any of this goes farther, I should say goodbye to my Reader-Chans. Bye, and remember to comment, vote, and request!

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