(M) Corrin x Reader

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Ok, I'd be the first to admit that, although he's more of a newcomer, I admire Corrin. He just gives off that certain...how do I put this? Regal flair.
He's quite kind, and...I'm rambling to myself again. His twin, Kamui (I call female Corrin by their Japanese name), is also an excitable girl. Like Robina, she's quite the fangirl. I guess it's just in our nature, as girls, I suppose.
They're both so powerful, with their dragon forms and all...and then Corrin is also handsome and...dang it, I'm rambling again. Hehe, I'm glad that no one can read my thoughts. Now, that would be embarrassing.
I stand up from my bed, brushing off my clothes of what seems like nonexistent dust. Force of habit. I walk over to my full length mirror, brushing my (h/l) (h/c) hair.
I frown at my own appearance. I take off my black infinity scarf, placing it on my bed. I then unbutton my hood less, cloak-like thing, placing that on the bed as well. (You know Maka, from Soul Eater? Her school outfit is basically what you are wearing).
I readjust my thigh-high, (s/f/c) socks, (f/c) lacing on the top. I then retighten my knee-high, lace up black boots. I pull down my white tank top from under my skirt, and then readjust the (s/f/c) skirt.
I grab my cloak, slipping my arms into the sleeves. I buttoned it, half my stomach still revealed. Er, tank top. The cloak-like-thing went down to my mid-calf, flowing around me unrealistically. I take my scarf, rewrapping it around me neck.
I once again brush my hair, rearranging it according to my parting. I place my glasses on my face, continuing to rearrange everything to my likening. I once again look at my appearance. I also make sure to grab my (weapon(s)), just in case.
Although I didn't like how I looked, it was better than before. I sigh, this was the best I was going to get. I walk out of my room, which I just so happened to share with Kamui.
            I heard yelling and cheering, making me turn. I follow the noise, realizing that a match was about to begin. I peeked my head around the doorway, checking to see who was fighting.
             My eyes widen. It was Robin, Robina, and Roy against Corrin, Kamui, and...me. Schist. I quickly run into the stadium, getting into my position like everything was fine. I see Corrin and Kamui let out slight sighs of relief.
            I turn to see the countdown timer, realizing I still had 5 minutes to spare. I relax from my position, walking over to Corrin and Kamui.
           "H-hey guys...s-sorry I a-almost d-didn't make it...I was z-zoning out and l-lost track of t-time..." I explain, rubbing the back of my neck. I'm glad I decided to bring my (weapon(s))...
            "We're just glad you made it on time, or else we'd have to forfeit the match." Kamui replies. Corrin nods in agreement. He's so...before I finish my own thought I mentally slap myself.
           I feel a strange feeling from within the pit of my stomach. Wait...what? I probably just have butterflies because of the match. Yeah, that seems right...but not right at the same time.
           I look back up at Corrin, a light blush covering my face. Wait...is this really happening right now? Do I siriusly have to become nervous around him now?!
            Ok, I'll admit, when I said I admire Corrin, I meant it, but there was more to it than that. I like, perhaps even love, him. As I got to know him, Corrin slowly started taking over my thoughts. I couldn't do anything about it.
             I've become more and more aware of my feelings since. I'm probably speaking jibberish right now, huh? Anyway, the important thing is that I really like him, but I get nervous whenever Corrin is around.
             He throws me off my game. I get distracted in battle and everything. Luckily, I usually snap out of it before I'm hurt or anything. I snap out of my thoughts once more, noticing a hand being waved in front of my face.
             I look to my right, only to realize that Corrin had leaned down,  making it so I could feel his breath on my cheek. I instantly feel my face heat up. I jump back slightly, surprising both Corrin and Kamui.
             "For a second I thought you feel asleep, standing up, and with your eyes opened." Corrin comments. I feel my face growing warmer, which causes Corrin to place a hand on my head. "Are you alright? Your face is really red, are you sure you don't have a fever or something?" Corrin asks, seemingly concerned.
             "I-I'm f-fine." I reply, gently pushing his hand off my forehead. My face grows even warmer. I look over to my leftish, seeing Kamui laughing like a madwoman. I sigh, hoping it was close to fighting time.
               To my relief, there was only one minute left on the clock. I walk over and stand in my position, Kamui and Corrin eventually doing the same. I look across the stage, spotting Roy directly across from me.
               Then there was Corrin to my right, Robin across from him. Farther to my right stood Kamui, Robina across from her. The match was simple; every player had three lives. Whichever side runs out of lives first loses. Simple as that.
I keep my (weapon(s)) ready, quickly making up a strategy in my mind. I try to remember each opponents weaknesses, and the best way to counter them. I figure Corrin and Kamui would take care of Robin and Ronina, leaving me with Roy.
Seeing as how Roy is a swordsman, he doesn't have any long-range attacks. This puts me at an advantage, because I have both a short-range and a long-range attack. (Just go with it).
I shuffle in nervousness a little. Even if he doesn't have any long-range attacks, Roy is still quite powerful. He also has Robin and Robina taking care of all the long-range attacks with their magic.
As tactics flowed through my head, I hear a loud buzzing sound. I snap out of my trance-like-state, realizing Roy had immediately charged.
I dodge his attack, performing one of my own. We exchange blows back and forth, neither of us landing a hit. This continues on, until I accidentally trip.
I can't say exactly what happened, it went by so fast. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the ground with Roy on top of me. He pulls out his sword, preparing to hit me off the stage.
Luckily, I managed to block his attack with my (weapon(s)). They clashed together, neither side gaining an advantage on the other. As for lives of all the players, I know that Kamui and Robin had been reduced to one, where as Corrin and Robina had been reduced to two.
Then you all know that Roy and I still had all ours, seeing as how we couldn't land any smashes on each other. I continue to block Roy's sword, trying to push him up with all my might.
Although I managed to sit up, I couldn't push him off much more. This continues on for awhile. I glance over to my team mates, realizing Corrin had taken out Robin. He glances over to me, seeing that I'm in a slight dilemma.
Corrin's facial expression hardens, a look of...anger, perhaps even jealously, spreading across his face. He immediately runs over, hitting Roy off me with a great force. This makes Roy go flying off the stage.
Corrin turns back to me, holding out a hand. I sit there for a moment, mouth wide open in shock. I quickly shake my head, snapping out of my astonishment. I take Corrin's hand, standing up with his help.
I look over to Kamui, only to realize that she turned into her dragon form. She easily knocked Robina off the stage. Looks like this battle is in our favor...

~Time Skip to after the battle~

Corrin, Kamui, and I won that battle. Unfortunately, Kamui had gotten out while finishing off Robina...but oh well.
Once we exited the stadium, I congratulated Roy, Robin, and Robina on a great match. They congratulated me on my win, and so forth. I smile at them and give a wave goodbye.
            As I start to walk away, I notice Corrin talking to his sister. It wasn't strange or anything, but I notice what had caught my eye. Kamui was laughing her butt off while Corrin was a blushing tomato.
             I raise an eyebrow, but shrug it off. I start to walk back to my room, of which I shared with Kamui. As I walk, I place a hand to my chin, pondering all the events of the match.
              The one thing I couldn't take my mind off of was the face Corrin had gave Roy when he was on top of me. He seemed mad, but that was only to be suspected. Yet, mad wasn't exactly how I would subscribe it...
             I mean, Corrin was, but there was something else... The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is jealously, but that couldn't be right. Corrin would only be jealous if he liked me, right?
             All of a sudden, reality hits me like a brick wall. Literally. I fall on my butt, rubbing my head a little. I mentally face-palm myself for not paying attention to where I was going. I had run into a wall.
'Great job me!' I think inside my head, my head-voice dripping with sarcasm. I sigh at my own ignorance.
           "Are you ok?" I hear a voice question behind me. I jump and yelp in surprise, turning to see Corrin. Ah, sorry for sneaking up on you, (Y/N)." He apologizes.
           "I-it's f-fine..." I mumble, a hue of pink coming to my cheeks. "Oh, a-and I'm f-fine. I w-wasn't p-paying attention t-to w-where I was going..." I explain, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Here, let me help you..." Corrin says, holding out a hand. My eyes flick away, the blush on my face becoming more vibrant. I grasp his hand, becoming even more flustered from the physical contact.
Corrin pulls me up to my feet. Once I was back in a standing position, we kind of stand there awkwardly. I glance up at him, noticing a bright pink hue across his cheeks.
What is he embarrassed about? I'm the one that looked stupid. Thinking back to the battle, pondering that one moment, I start to wonder if there's the chance he really could like me.
"C-Corrin...earlier, during the battle, w-were you j-jealous?" I question quietly. Corrin's face starts to turn red over pink; he awkwardly rubbed his neck.
"Y-you noticed?" Corrin asks. I nod slowly as Corrin gives me a nervous expression. "Well...you see...I, um...uh...k-kind of...l-love you... You know what, just forget what I said." Corrin explains. I feel my face heat up, meaning I probably looked like a tomato.
Without thinking, I pull him forth by his shirt collar, which was under his armor. I press my lips to his, my eyes squeezed shut. Corrin's eyes widen in surprise.
I pull back, looking down. My hair/bangs cover my super red face. I shift slightly, fiddling with the hem of my skirt.
"Um...I l-love you too..." I mumble. Corrin smiles down at me, placing a light peck on my cheek. Well, that was an interesting day...


Clara: 1991 words. Hey guys! I'm back! This was requested by @MissMaskedMaria. I'm sorry that Corrin was OOC. That's all for now! Bye!

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