Dark Pit x Reader

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        I look up at the large mansion standing before me. I was a new comer from (g/n). I was a hybrid, having (tails/ears/wings) from (f/a). My (animal part) (twitches/swishes/whatever it does) at the size of the mansion.
        I wasn't used to houses this large. I grew up in a pretty ordinary, medium-sized house. I take my bags and walk inside. My weapon is a (f/w) and my final smash is (something that has to do with your animal part).
        I look around the main hall. It was simple, but quite pretty. There were random, round tables with nice red table clothes up against the wall. There was a vase atop each table, beautiful
(f/f)s within.
        As I admired each and every aspect of the main hall, I accidentally bump into someone. I look up, only to find a raven-haired male glaring down at me.
        He had bright, red eyes, wore a black tunic with gold out linings, black sandals, and there were dark black wings located on his back.
      I blink, not knowing what to say. I don't have much human interaction, mainly since my game involved me talking to animals. He was kind of hot... what am I thinking?
       "Watch where you're going." He growls at me. I flick my eyes toward the ground and slowly stand up.
       "S-sorry... I-I'm not used to being around other people..." I whisper an apology. I then snatch up my bags again, looking around. "D-do y-you perhaps k-know where Master Hand's office is l-located?" I ask.
        "Well duh. Of course I know where it is." The male replies. I sigh.
      "Could you tell me where it is?" I ask, irritation starting to fill my voice. The male narrows his eyes.
        "And why should I do that?" The male asks. My (animal part(s)) (swish/twitch/other movements).
        "Well, if you're going to be like that, Mr. Attitude, then might I ask where can I find someone who can be of more help to me?" I ask, irritation completely taking over my voice.
       I could tell the male was going to say something else, but was cut off by a green-haired female. 
      "Oh, lay off her Pittoo. She's a newcomer, besides, if you got her irritated enough, who knows what she could do!" The lady says. I look at her. She wore a female toga and she had a staff in one hand.
    On her left was a male, who looked a whole lot like the male I was just talking to. Except he had brown hair, he wore a white toga, brown sandals, and he has soft, sky blue eyes, unlike Pittoo's harsh, blood red eyes.
      "Yeah Pittoo! Master Hand told us to be nice to her! He said that she has never been around people that often..." The brown-haired male adds. Pittoo lets out a hmph.
       "I told you not to call me that!" Pittoo yells with irritation and anger. I blink and quickly slip off. I start to wander a hallway, bags in hand. I walk all around on the main floor until I find a couple other Smashers.
       "H-hello, d-do y-you m-mind p-pointing me in the d-direction of M-master H-hand's office?" I ask a group of people. There were four males and two females.
       Two of the males had blue hair, one had red hair, and the other had white hair. The two blue-haired males as well as the redhead were wearing body armor while the white-haired male wore a cloak.
       One of the females had blue hair and also wore body armor. She looked similar to the more formal-looking blue-haired male. The other female looked almost exactly like the white-haired male, except female (obviously) and she had longer hair.
       "Sure thing!" The blue-haired female says with enthusiasm. She smiles widely at me. "Oh, by the way, I'm Lucina." She introduces herself.
      "Robina/Reflect. I go by either." The girl with long, white hair says.
      "Robin, and no, we're not twins." The white-haired male says. "It was an option in our game." He quickly adds. Oh, that makes sense.
       "Marth, pleasure to meet you, Milady." The more formal-looking, blue-haired male says.
        "Ike." The taller blue-haired male says bluntly.
       "Roy. Always nice to have another pretty girl walking around." The redhead says, sending me a wink. My cheeks take in a slight hue of pink.
        "Roy, don't tease her! Remember what Master Hand said? Anyway, what's your name?" Lucina asks. My eyes flick around nervously.
         "(Y-y/n)." I reply quietly.
     "That's a pretty name. How about we go to Master Hand's office now then?" Lucina asks. I nod and we start to walk off.
    Lucina walks all the way down the hallway, then turns right into another corridor. She then opens the first door on the left. She steps inside and then politely holds the door open. I smile at her and step inside with all my stuff.
      I walk up to a desk, which was nearly as tall as me. I look up and see a giant, floating white hand.
      "Hello, Miss (L/N). Pleasure to finally meet you. Ah, I see you have met Lucina. Now, you will be rooming with the Goddess Palutena, so here's an extra room key. Now, I'm sure Lucina can show you the way." Master hand says, dropping a key into the palm of my hand.
       I turn back to Lucina, who opened the door for me again. I smile and she gives me an apologetic smile in turn. Once we get out in the hall, I turn to her.
      "Is Palutena by chance a Goddess who has long, green hair, a staff, and his friends with someone who goes by Pittoo and a male with brown hair and blue eyes?" I ask her.
       "Yes, actually. By the way, you probably don't want to call Dark Pit, Pittoo. He hates that name. Also, the brown-haired male you were talking about is named Pit." Lucina replied.
       "Does that make Dark Pit...a shadow or something?" I question. Lucina giggles but shakes her head.
       "No, but I suppose that is kind of close. It has something to do with their game. It's kind of like if you took all the evil out of Pit and put it into another being that looks exactly like him, but darker clothes and such." Lucina tries to explain.
       "Oh, ok... Well, yeah, I kind of met the three of them, never catching their actual names. I asked Dark Pit for directions, but he was just kind of rude about it. I honestly didn't want to be hanging around the three that much, given how much they seem to fight." I reply honestly.
        "They're not that bad once you get to know them. Just give them a chance. Well, Palutena and Pit aren't that bad, as for Dark Pit, I can't say for sure. He's, again, kind of meant to be evil." Lucina tries to convince me.
"Yeah... as someone always says, never judge a book by its covered... I'm trying not to be judgmental, I really don't know how to be social." I reply. Lucina smiles softly.
        "You'll get there, it make just take a little time. Oh, we're here." Lucina says. I look at the door. Room 394... (if you get the reference you're amazing).
       "Alright...can I sit with you and everyone else at dinner?" I ask quietly. Lucina gives me an extremely wide smile. 
        "Of course! Oh, and just call us the Fire Emblem team if you're talking about everyone." Lucina replies.
       "Ok, I will. See you later!" I respond. Lucina gives me a wave and walks off. I sigh and try to open the door. Locked. I take out the key and unlock the door, peeking my head out. No one.
       I open the door all the way and bring all my stuff in. One side had a bunch of stuff on it, the walls decorated. The other side had a blank bed, undecorated walls, and an empty dresser.
I place all my bags on the bed, which only has a white sheet and pillows with white pillow cases. I unzip my suitcase and start to put my clothes into draws, by type of clothes as well as color.
     What can I say, I'm a neat freak. (Sorry if you're not). I live alone, er used to, so I always tried to keep my house clean. The door is suddenly slammed open. I yelp in surprise.
"Oh, sorry (Y/N). So I heard you were my roomie. Need any help unpacking?" Palutena asks. I let out a sigh.
"I guess I could use some help... but don't startle me like that! Oh, are Pit and Dark Pit coming, by chance?" I reply. Palutena walks over to me.
"No, is there any reason why?" She questions. My eyes flick around.
"I just wanted to reintroduce myself, seeing as how it didn't go well the first time..." I whisper. She gives me a wide smile.
"I can go grab them, if you want." Palutena points out. I give her a smile.
"Could you? I don't know why I feel so obligated to meet them... I mean, Dark Pit was rude but..." I trail off. Palutena raises an eyebrow.
"Do you happen to know what love is?" She asks me. My face takes on a pink hue.
"Of course I do, but this is not it." I retort. Palutena shakes her head.
"No one ever sees it..." She mumbles. I turn to her.
"What?" I ask. She waves her hands dismissively.
"Nothing, I'll go get those two." Palutena says, walking out the door.
That was kind of odd... I shrug it off and continue to unpack.

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