Cloud x Reader

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       I walk around in a peaceful bliss. I finally got to courage to tell Cloud how I felt and, to my surprise, he returned the feelings. We've been dating for a couple weeks now.
       I'm just completely overjoyed, where as Cloud does seem to have loosened up a bit. I think that it must've been kind of hard for him, so I appreciate even the slight bit of change.
       Cloud has actually been a bit nicer, but only to me. Why am I not surprised? Anyway, I was walking around, as I said before, when I bump into someone. I down onto the floor and look up.
      "I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologize, realizing I had bumped into Marth, who stood next to Roy and Ike. Marth gave me a soft smile and held out a hand to help me up. I took it gratefully.
       "It's quite alright, Milady." Marth replies as I brush some dust off my clothing. I roll my eyes playfully.
       "You don't have to be so formal, you know." I tell him. Marth takes nervous glances at Ike and Roy. I give him a slightly confused look. "Is something wrong?" I ask, concern written on my face. I dislike seeing someone being so uncomfortable.
      "Yes, there is something wrong." Marth replies honestly. I tilt my head.
      "Whatever would that be?" I question. Marth sighs, looking back at Roy and Ike.
      "We... don't think Cloud deserves you." Marth says honestly. I scrunch my nose slightly. Why wouldn't Cloud deserve me?
         "Why wouldn't Cloud deserve me?" I ask, voicing my thoughts. Marth gestures to Roy.
      "I saw him with someone else, only the other day. Besides, he seems so... distant." Roy tells me. If Cloud was with someone else... no, no. It wouldn't be for that reason.
      "Who was this person you saw him with?" I question Roy. Roy looks right at me.
       "Samus." He replies bluntly. Dang it. If he really was with someone else, especially one like Samus, I would never stand a chance.
       "I'm sure it's not what you think it is. Besides, this is Cloud, of course he's distant. He has loosened up, but only around me. Also, I know he cares for me, so I don't necessarily have to hear an 'I love you' or anything." I retort, getting slightly annoyed.
"But, (Y/N)-" Ike tried. I hold my hand up while my other hand balled up into a fist.
"I don't care what you guys think! Cloud cares about me. Now, I was in the midst of going to visit him, so if you'll excuse me." I respond. Roy, Marth, and Ike all frown at me as I walk away.
Cloud wouldn't cheat on me... right? Why am I thinking like this? Of course he wouldn't... I shake those thoughts out of my head. I start to speed walk through the halls, desperately trying to find Cloud.
I come up to his door and knock. No answer. I try the door. Locked. Probably wasn't there. I search all through the mansion's interior, but to no avail. I sigh and walk out onto the balcony.
I look down at the front lawn of the mansion, eyes searching the grounds. I suddenly spot two heads of blonde hair, one yellower than the other. My eyes widen as I realize I'm staring at Samus and Cloud.
So Cloud is cheating on me? I really didn't expect that from him... Perhaps it's not what I think it is. I'm probably just making false assumptions. I quickly scurry back into my room, hoping Cloud didn't see me.
Once I get back, I pick up a magazine Peach gave me. I look through it and find a page that says 'How to know if your boyfriend is cheating on you'. I look up from the magazine, checking if anyone was near. Even though I'm in my room.
I look back down and start reading the list. 'He's been ignoring you lately.' Hm... that's true... 'He has been harsher to you.' Ok, well, Cloud is always harsh... 'You saw him with another girl.' Ok, that would be obvious.
I continued to look through the list and, to my surprise, each scenario fit perfectly for my situation with Cloud... this isn't good. I'm probably wrong and just jumping to conclusions! Right?
Most of those things on the list just happen to be part of Cloud's personality, so why should I worry? Well, I did see him with Samus...
Whatever! I need some food. To lunch! I then start to speed walk down the hall to the cafeteria. I walk in, only to see that all the Smashers are there, waiting to get their lunch. Dang it, I'm last again...

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